Chapter 16- North Wind

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Chapter 16

North Wind

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


The bell chimed nearly painfully loud in the silence that seemed to engulf that icy, blood-ridden site of destruction, its tenor ringing off stone and snow and ice and water alike,

The words 'Idiots Calling' were slowly disappearing under the sticky crimson dripping down over and staining the cards face, the Call left untouched as it continued to ring, the puddle of scarlet liquid grew until the card was becoming submerged in it.

No one heard Lixue's voice calling one word, one name.

She couldn't breathe, she couldn't move... Everything was falling away into a chasm with no bottom. She couldn't even feel the stickiness of her own blood on her skin.

She was suffocating

'...h... Hor...atia...!'

She couldn't hear Lixue anymore, not his voice... Not how terrified he sounded.

Her body wouldn't move anymore. She willed her hand to move toward the Card, but it didn't work.

Everything was just numb... Empty.

The card-face went black, the chiming of the bell cutting off to sheer silence, drowning now in the sticky scarlet pool of blood.

Nothing stirred, no noise, no sound... Everything was deathly still.

Can a Devil Slayer be slain by a Demon twice...?

I... I was supposed... To go back...


Four Hours Prior-

Hora's blue eyes glittered as she stood still, her hands on her hips and her gaze locked silently to the large, cracked stone door in front of her. Moss and vines snaked their way up the cracks and fissures in the aged stone, the hinges iron and rusted though they held- the cliff-face carved and molded into what lay as ruin of some ancient, abandoned temple... or fortress maybe, she hadn't any real clue.

It was a door, a big door and located in the middle of nowhere- so anything that came through wouldn't harm any towns or innocent people. Large and surrounded now by trucks and Magic-mobiles, tents and barricades filled and manned with dozens if not a few hundred Magic Council Knights and soldiers. She could hear them, boots stomping across the stony ground and robes fluttering- weapons and halberds hitting the ground and orders being barked out every which way.

This was going to be it, the place where she'd open the door and let loose North Wind- launch an assault on the Guild with the backing of the Magic Council.... or at least,  with them cleaning up behind her, making sure no one escaped this way, arrested the ones she dealt with as she pushed further in. She was more focused on the Guild Master and the Demon to really worry about getting every single person inside, that's what the Knights were for. She was going to have her hands full enough...

Her eyes fell closed a moment, taking in a long, low breath. The fire in her core was raging, her Magic prickling just under her skin and screaming- it wanted her to move, to start forward, rush in and start burning everything in her path to a nice, ebony-hued crisp. That ebony had already spread across both arms and her back, she could feel the heat coupled icy- she could feel it growing further across her body, slowly as she tried to hold it back.

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