Chapter 15- Devil Slayer

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Chapter 15

Devil Slayer

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


The bell chimed nearly painfully loud in the silence that seemed to engulf that icy, blood-ridden site of destruction, its tenor ringing off stone and snow and ice and water alike,

The words 'Idiots Calling' were slowly disappearing under the sticky crimson dripping down over and staining the cards face, the Call left untouched as it continued to ring, the puddle of scarlet liquid grew until the card was becoming submerged in it.

No one heard Lixue's voice calling one word, one name.


One Month Prior-


Hora winced, her eyes shut tight and hand held under her nose as she groaned, sniffing slightly as her eyes watered.

She stifled another sneeze only barely, her eyes narrowed to slits as she sniffed again.

".. What the hell....?" She grumbled,

'.... Do you have a cold, Horatia?' Lixue asked flatly,

"... I don't get colds." She muttered hotly,

'.... Who knows? You certainly spent the night in a freezing river, and a snow mound while soaking wet... And it was still snowing.' He replied flatly,

"... I haven't had a 'cold' since I was six." She grumbled, her movement through the snow and over the landscaping unhindered even as she held a hand to her mouth and nose. "..... My Magic doesn't leave room for colds, you know..."

But somehow she didn't sound convinced of herself, becuase though she physically didn't feel cold or anything... Maybe enough of it affected her like it would anyone else.... Besides, she'd been pretty emotionally and physically strained when she fell asleep. She still didn't feel 100% even now, she felt groggy and dizziness lingered even as she trudged her way through that icy white wilderness and further, not quite sure where she was going or why... She was just walking, it felt good to just move.

But the sneezing started up and she hated it already.

She honestly hadn't had anything remotely like a cold before Arden forced this Magic on top of her, thinking back...

...... The last time I got a cold, it was bad.... I had a fever and everything..... And Brother was worried, more so than I had ever seen him.

Her heart clenched painfully at the thought of it, the memory of him shuffling nervously in her room, unsure what to do and unsure if he should leave her alone or stay. He looked frustrated, like he wanted to do something to her rid of how awful she felt and yet he couldn't, and that just frustrated him more, and worried him too. It didn't make him feel better when their parents had said they could only wait it out. She remembered little of it, a lot of it was lost in a feverish haze... But she did remember waking up, with him asleep next to the bed, his head in his arms on top of it and fingers lightly wrapped about hers.

Hora's eyes narrowed, biting back at the ache in her heart and blinking furiously at the sting of tears coming up.

..... I miss you... All of you...

She took in a deep breath, shaking her head at herself in near agitation and pushing forward a bit faster. She was damp, and covered in flecks of snow ice and other things... She needed a village, town, some place. She needed to change, clean up, she felt dirty and gross and a night out in the snow hadn't helped.

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