Chapter 38- Her

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Chapter 38


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Two Days Earlier-

"... She... You were serious about that...?"

Everything went deadly quiet following the words, all those sitting in attendance around the table wide-eyed and stunned for the confirmation to something most of them would never have considered the truth... And nobody looking any more shocked and even unnerved than the band of Sherry, Toby, Yuka, Lyon and Gray.

Naturally so, given the subject of said confirmation... and how terribly close to their own hearts it all hit.

Doranbolt frowned, looking slowly away from the window he'd been staring out of, rigid in place and just about as grim-faced as a person could be. His expression was mirrored in basically everyone else, Fairy Tailers, Sabers, and Lamia alike, all of them strained and tired- but for now listening tensely to what had started as an innocent inquiry, and one only made now that, after days, things seemed to have settled and that Saber Wizard they had all been so focused on seemed to be finally reaching a point where she might actually be fine... And the question?

"You said something about Hora and a Demon of Zeref when we were fighting... What was that about?"

However none of them had really expected the answer they earned- save those in SaberTooth who had already known, and those in Fairy Tail who had been told too, like Lucy, Mirajane, and PantherLily. But those who hadn't? Like Erza, the Lamia Wizards, Gray, Juvia, and Gajeel even?

Complete shock

Doranbolt's attention landed on Gray, who had asked it, and now the Ice Wizard looked about three shades paler than he already had, Juvia beside him stiff as a board and wide-eyed just like he was, Lyon too.

"Why would I make that up...?" Doranbolt grumbled lowly, his arms crossed over his chest. Gray swallowed, hard.

"... I... None of us assumed you did, but that... That's hard to wrap our minds around..." Lyon mumbled tensely, answering in the place of Gray- who's voice seemed to fail him, and his voice was not the only one. The other Lamia Wizards who had all had their lives forever changed by Deliora could not have found words just then either, and Lyon only barely did before his voice died out, and his eyes dropped onto his hands on the table as they wound together tightly.

"... No kidding..." Gray hissed under his breath, Juvia casting the Ice Wizard a wary look.

Doranbolt paused, Ira beside him looking a little uneasy for the sudden subject and the memory of the whole thing, and for a few moments no one really said anything... Until Doranbolt broke the silence, shifting a little on his feet and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, I get that." The Rune Knight mumbled, leaning back against the wall beside the window slightly and shaking his head once. "Hell, I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it, and I saw it with my own eyes, once we managed to get back to her again." He mumbled, Ira nodding stiffly in agreement, his eyes trailing down toward the floor and stiff in his space- though his shoulders hunched at the memory of it, and naturally so.

Lyon paused at the words though, his head tilting back up again and eyes narrowing. "... Get back to her...?" He asked slowly, and Doranbolt grimaced at it, Ira too.

"She ordered everybody out of North Wind's Guild Hall, so we wouldn't get caught in the crossfire of the fight." The Rune Knight explained lowly, "The place was huge to start with, but once she really got into fighting the Demon a lot of the hallways in and out were messed up and caved in. It was harder than hell to get passed all that and to her, even with Ira tracking her location." He explained, Ira grimacing for the memory.

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