Chapter 5- I'm Not

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Chapter 5
I'm Not

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"Thank you so much again, for everything." Hora murmured softly, dipping her head to the small group of Lyon, Sherria, Jura and Lamia's Master- Oobaba, standing before her just outside the front doors to the Guild Hall.

"Certainly." Jura smirked,

"Just don't think this means Lamia will be going easy on Saber during the GMG, or I'll spin you!" Oobaba murmured a little hotly, finger twirling in the air before her.

"Y.. You are spinning me..." Hora stammered, the world around her whirling as the Lamia Scale's Master put her Magic to work suddenly.

"Master, please stop that." Lyon and Sherria said at once, Hora took a small step sideways to steady herself as the spinning stopped, mind whirling and a little off balance.

Hora let out a small sigh, waiting for the world to quite spinning before looking back up toward the group, dipping her head slightly.

"Thanks," she murmured to Lyon and Sherry, smiling a little. "I suppose I'll be seeing you all at the GMG, hmm?" She smirked,

"We'll look forward to it!" Sherria grinned,

"It'll always be a pleasure to be in your company again." Jura smiled, earning a fint blush of embarrassment from Hora.

"Its was nice meeting you all, I had fun. I'd love to hang out again sometime too." She replied, honestly she would- being in Lamia... It hadn't been all that bad.

The sun had long set behind the roofs of the town as day drew to an end and night began to fall. Drille had returned a few hours ago with word that Sting and Rogue were on their way back, and should reach Margret town by nightfall. She'd been allowed the entire day with Lamia and it's members- and she had to admit it had been considerably enjoyable. (Barring the conversation about Deliora...)

She and Lyon, they were fast friends... The sort of fast friends she had become with Rogue, Sting, Lector and Frosch. You just sort of... Clicked.

Lyon took a step forward toward her, making Hora blink in slight confusion at his sudden movement. His dark eyes landed on her figure, a small, nearly unnoticeable smile pulling at his lips as he stepped up beside her.

"Allow me to escort you some of the way," he murmured, Hora blinked a few times, before smirking softly.

"If you wanted to walk with me that bad you could have just asked, Ice-boy." Hora chuckled softly, he sweatdropped, clearing his throat awkwardly and looking flustered at the teasing. Hora shook her head slightly and hooked her arm in his, a shiver running up her spine at how frosty he was to the touch, in contrast with her warm person.

"Come on," she murmured, Lyon nodded slightly, she cast a glance over her shoulder toward the small group standing before the doors, smiling softly. "Thank you again, I'll see you at the Grand Magic Games!"

"We look forward to it." Jura smiled,

"Have fun! Please do be careful, Hora! I don't want you getting hurt again, ok?!" Sherria called, grinning as she waved in a nearly child like manner.

"I will, Sherria." Hora called back, pulling slightly on Lyon as they began to head up the street.

Sherria let out a sigh, blue eyes glinting as her head tilted, her hand holding her cheek, a small smile pulling at her lips. "Ah, the power of love~"

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