Chapter 18- Fugitive?

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Chapter 18


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


You know.... I never realized how much I hated political things.

This is ridiculous, why is it taking so long? How much paperwork could possibly have to go through for this? I feel like I've been answering the same questions in different forms over and over again....

She was getting fidgety- well, more fidgety. She hadn't exactly been calm nor still the whole time. The longer things with the Council dragged on the more restless she was getting- the closer to the start of the GMG it was getting.

And the more restless she got, she knew Doranbolt, Lahar and Ira were watching her even more closely- waiting for her to try and bolt, slip away.

... Oh I'm definitely planning on it if this goes on much longer.

It shouldn't have to be so hard to just explain what went on, they were almost making it so much harder than it needed to be. She could understand some confusion and disbelief at what she'd managed- because hell; she was surprised herself that she'd actually made it out alive. But even still, she was Sabertooth- and Sabertooth was was still the number one Guild last she checked...

She'd so far been recanting her individual investigation into North Wind the last few months, what she'd seen of their destruction and what she'd seen of their business selling people (all things she had been reporting in on anyway- so this seemed a ridiculous waste of time), and what she'd figured out about the key to their Guild Hall. (Again, hadn't she already reported on this...?!)

They like going around in circles, I'm convinced.

And then she recanted what she did upon entering North Wind- backing up what portions had been seen by the other Council Knights and then detailing what happened when she was alone. She'd tried her best to be as quick and to the point about it- but no. The Council wanted every little goddamn detail and mostly they wanted to know what her Magic was.

That was a topic she would have rather not touched, and here and there she found herself hating herself for ever having mentioned being a Devil Slayer in the first place. Maybe if she had kept it her little secret she wouldn't be stuck picking apart and explaining the details of the Magic she didn't ever like from the start- and liked telling other people about it even less.

That being said she kept a lot of things to herself still. She'd been skirting around just explaining the bare minimum, and it was working- though even as her retelling of the events dwindled she found more and more papers and documents shoved in her face.

If she wasn't very sure the Council had already contacted Jiemma about all of this, she might have already said screw it and told the Council to stuff it- Of course any misconduct on her part was sure to find it way to Jiemma's ear, and then she would surely have hell to pay. And she wasn't looking to deal with that. Less for her sake and more for how everyone else would react if she got in trouble with that bastard of a man again.

.... Speaking of everyone else.

She'd gotten a letter back, a letter written in hands that had clearly been shaking- the ink smudged in a few places by moisture she smelled salt from. Tears.

A letter telling her how happy they were to have gotten her letter- how relieved they were and how much they missed her- and looked forward to seeing her soon. And a letter at the very end, that simply said;

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