Chapter 26- Brutal Honesty

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Chapter 26

Brutal Honesty

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


He couldn't find her, anywhere.

He was flitting between every room in the Inn using his Shadow Form. In the five minutes it took him to bounce between every room, and realize she was nowhere in the Building- it felt like his heart was going to give out on him.

He rushed back into his room and snatched up the Calling Card from the nightstand, Frosch trembling and scared on the bed where Rogue had set him down before darting off again. He could hear Sting's voice ringing through the building- yelling at him, and demanding and explanation- but Rogue didn't wait.

He connected the Calling Card through to Hora's Card- hoping and praying she would actually answer. But his hopes shattered when he heard the chime of the bell ringing through the wall. He melted into Shadow and stepped into Hora's empty room to see the Calling Card left on the bed and ringing with only Rogue to hear it.


She can't

He whipped around, ready to fade back into Shadow and rush back to the Main Hall and to the entrance- to leave the Inn and all of the Guild behind in their shock and their terror and confusion. Ready to leave Frosch trembling and teary-eyed in the room, and leave Sting shouting at him- ready to rush out into Crocus and search every inch of the city, he had to.

I have to find her

Where even had she gone? How could she have been there, following them to face Jiemma's wrath- and then out of nowhere and when no one was paying any attention, she was gone? How could she-?

She can't just disappear... She can't... She...

She can't be gone, Jiemma can't have...

He was arguing with himself and the dread in his heart- the fear that wouldn't go away and the sinking feeling that kept nagging and yelling at him that she... She was gone... She cannot be gone..!

"Rogue! WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Sting's voice roared through the Inn, easily heard even by normal people and almost blaringly loud on Rogue and his heightened hearing. He didn't stop even then, though- he was rushing across the floor and under people in a mass of pitch black shadow that moved like a flat, black cloud on the ground. He rushed right passed the main hall and passed the rows of people frightened and confused, straight toward the doors and intent on leaving all of it behind- but he got stopped.

Somehow, Magical or otherwise- he was suddenly forced out of his Shadow Form and stumbled a bit a few dozen feet from the door, unsure how it happened or why- but even then he didn't dare stop. He'd search Crocus on his feet and without his Shadow Form if he had to.

But the sudden steely grip on his upper arm made his movement falter and he was pulled around roughly to meet Sting's wild, fearful blue gaze and pale face. The blonde grabbed Rogue tightly, locking him in place and a bead of sweat falling down his face as he saw the sheer terror in the Shadow Dragon Slayer. "What is going on..!?" Sting snapped, Rogue blinked. "Rogue, what about Hora?! Where is she, and why are you freaking out like this?!"

There was no room in the frenzy of his mind to come up with an answer, the only thing he could think was go and find her. And with Sting holding on to him like that, the only thing that trumped that thought was-

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