Chapter 22- Pandemonium Begins!

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Chapter 22

Pandemonium Begins!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"How could you be so stupid?!"

Erza's voice cut like one of her swords, Natsu wilting under the shouted question as he sat on the floor in front of her like a child in trouble. He sweatdropped, his arms crossed over his chest and pointedly looking away from her entirely as she seethed above him- along with Gray, Carla and Lucy looking just as annoyed. Happy stood by his Partner looking uneasy, but saying nothing- Wendy was watching them off to the side a little, her eyes flicking between Erza and toward the very visible bruise on Natsu's cheek.

"Yeah man, did you even use your brain?!" Gray snapped,

"You could have gotten Fairy Tail disqualified from the Games!" Erza snapped, "Not to mention gotten yourself arrested with all the mayhem you caused!"

"What were you even thinking, Natsu..?!" Lucy growled,

Natsu sweatdropped a little more, his eyes narrowed at the floor as Happy let out a small mew beside him. "Natsu..."

"... I said I was sorry, alright?" Natsu growled lowly, "... I get it, starting a fight was... Dumb.... I was just..... Worked up." Happy's ears fell a little,

"Whatever quarrel you've drummed up with SaberTooth, you cannot act on your frustrations outside of the Games!" Erza hissed, "Fight with them if you must, but do no lose sight of our true objective. We must do well in the Grand Magic Games in order to restore this country's faith in our Guild, and bring ourselves back out of the debt and shadow we have fallen into. If you have issues with SaberTooth, use that as fuel to beat them in the Games, they are likely to be our toughest opponents by far."

"... mm... right..." Natsu mumbled, his shoulders hunching slightly as his eyes dropped closed. Erza let out an agitated sigh and shook her head, turning her back on him as she stalked across to her bed and sat down with a huff. Gray shook his head at him too and walked away as well, Lucy let out a long sigh as her shoulders sagged and Wendy paced toward him a little.

"Uhm... Natsu-san.... you look like you got hit pretty hard." Wendy mumbled, her hands folded together. "Let me heal that, alright...?"

"No." He told her lowly, Wendy flinched a little at the reply, her eyes widening a little as Natsu shook his head at her- his eyes meeting hers for a half a second, before he glanced into his lap. "Sorry, Wendy... just leave it.... I think I deserve this one..." He mumbled,

Wendy, Lucy and Happy all blinked in confusion at the words, and the way in which his voice seemed to drop. He let out a low breath, his eyes trailing outside the window, a frown pulling at his mouth as he swallowed a little.

"....... she was really pissed......but..."

His jaw clenched slightly,

"..... I didn't think she'd..... go that far...... I just....."

He shut his eyes, Happy's eyes glittered as his tail drooped and hit the floor.

"....... I wanted to get through to them...."


She could feel her brother's hand in hers on the bedtop, his fingers locked with his lightly as his breathing deep and slow as he slept on, his head resting in his elbows. Her fever was gone, she could focus on the world around her regardless of how tired she was- and it was utterly, peacefully quiet.

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