Chapter 42- All That Comes

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Chapter 42

All That Comes

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


She's been through so much shit... tch.

Gray grit his teeth slightly, eyes glinting as he cast a slightly pained glance down at his sister, the Saber fast asleep on the couch beside him and her strange fiery head of hair resting lightly on a pillow butting up against his hip and thigh. She'd finally conked out after many, many hours of talking to one another- the both of them tucked away in one of the side rooms in Saber's Inn, alone.

They'd finally gotten to that long talk about all they needed to learn about each other after all this time, and getting straight all the details of what had gone on with them both... And Gray hated how short of the mark his comment a few days passed about her 'having a rough go of it' actually was.

Her life and what she told him of it, and all that had happened to her- it was hell.

She'd never caught a break, not after Deliora or what Arden did, and then Jiemma and Minerva. Her run-ins with North Wind and it's Demon of Zeref, and even the conflict with the Dragons seemed almost normal in the insanity and hardship that made up her life... which was so, so awful.

Gray's jaw clenched a little harder at the thought of it, his eyes falling closed while his hand resting lightly on her shoulder tensed without him meaning for it too.

He couldn't believe the amount of shit she'd been through, and how much of it she'd had to deal with all on her own too- all from the very start.

She'd been a kid when Deliora turned their lives upside down, and she'd been a kid when Arden forced his Magic onto her... worse, he did it when she'd been hurt and lying near dead in the snow after getting hit by a swipe of Deliora's claws.

Gray swallowed, his eyes cracking open halfway and his hand on her shoulder shifting, his thumb tracing lightly over the slightly raised flesh of the scar running the whole length of her right arm- a mark left there by that Demon, and one that had followed her her entire life in more physical a way than his own scars from that day had.

He couldn't imagine it, having that Magic suddenly thrust on a kid so young by a complete stranger, and burned into her very soul when she'd only been half alive to begin with. It sounded terrible, it was terrible- and it made his soul ache even more when she'd seemed to fall so readily into what horrible a memory it was when she'd tried to explain to him what had gone on. Her voice had been shaking the whole time, her hands doing the same while her eyes had failed to stay level with his during it. He'd heard her breathing pick up too, the pain and fear of the memory in her head so tangible she couldn't help but react to it, and he'd almost regretted her having to go through it all again.

But she got through it, eventually, and thankfully she managed it without getting so worked up her health seemed to start getting shaky again- which he and everybody else were all too worried about. She was doing a lot better, but she was still hurt, and everyone was very aware of it.

Gray let out a heavy sigh, his eyes dropping closed again and his head falling back over the top of the couch wearily. His free hand came off the armrest and pushed his hair back from his face, shoulders sinking faintly.

Everything she told him, and everything he learned about her life, and the hardships she'd gone through had been hard to hear... but he wanted to know, had to know really- and now?

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