Chapter 8- Beginning To Burn

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Chapter 8
Beginning To Burn

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


... God... Damn... This...

Hora hissed, her body shaking as she pushed her shoulder underneath the heavy beam she was attempting to lift up, the scent of smoke hung on the air as the grey haze engulfed the area, everything hot as an inferno around her as she strained, lifting the beam high enough to allow the man beside her to manage and pull a kid out from underneath it. She hardly cared nor was bothered by the flames licking at her shoulders and clothes from the flames engulfing the beam slowly, her eyes shut tight as she struggled to keep the beam lifted.

The child whimpered in fear and pain as it was dragged out from wreckage, the man pulling her to his chest. Hora let the beam drop once the kid was out, her blue eyes flashing as she faced the man, swiping her hand to the side as she hissed.

"Go! Get out here before the rest of the building goes down!" She growled, he hesitated, looking unsure.

"What about you?!" He snapped, Hora smirked wryly, though she seemed mildly disgusted for a moment.

"Fire isn't gonna do a damn thing to me, I'll see if there's anybody else trapped." She replied, "GO!"

The man hesitated a small moment longer, before he took off, exiting the building with the little girl in his arms, and leaving Hora alone as she stood amongst the blazing inferno around her, not even seeming to be breaking a sweat at the intensity of the heat around her.

She moved quickly through the broken slabs of building and beams, eyes narrowed as she held her hand out, trailing it through the fire around her as it slowly began to die out in her quake, the mass of flames accumulating in her palm. A small coalition of black markings spiraled around her fingers, shining ebony in the firelight. She narrowed her eyes, ears alert and senses on high for any sign of other people in the building with her. She pulled her hand forward, her palm filled with a blazing flame higher than her head, before she closed her fists and they all went out in an instant.

What pathetic fire... It's hardly even hot.

Her jaw clenched, eyes narrowed in barely muffled fury as she continued to look around,

This is disgusting.

This was how the entirety of the town was. Most of it anyway, what wasn't set on fire was pulled to the ground, bodies and blood littered the streets in the quake of the slaughter that had fallen upon this town. She would have been disappointed in the lack of involvement of the Magic Council to try and protect these people, but she wasn't surprised. This was the outskirts of the outskirts of their country, too far to be worth protecting, and easy targets for the likes of North Wind.

The bastard who set this town on fire was a coward, he ran off the moment he set things burning. And his Guild-mates set off enough explosions to kill dozens, and they all fled too. Hora was too busy trying to help out everyone caught in the aftermath to even think about following them back to where their Guild was hiding. To which she had been trying to do the last few weeks since arriving in this edge of the country.

It would seem North Wind's headquarters didn't stay in one place, some magical enchantment most likely placed by its leader kept it teleporting between different locations. Unless one knew precisely where it would teleport to next, or had a way to get themselves inside without knowing- North Wind was nearly impossible to pin down. That made her job all the harder.

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