Chapter 28- Breathe

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Chapter 28


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"... So what, that Rufus guy has a bead on everyone's location?" Gajeel grumbled from his seat at a table with Gray and Juvia. Laxus stood leaning against the wall not far off and Erza stood a bit from the table with Mirajane close at hand, while Natsu and Wendy stood in stiff silence near to where Hora had taken a seat at the bar. Happy, Carla and Lily stood on bar itself, and the building was scarily quiet around them, and all their attentions were turned to the First Fairy Tail Master, and what... Ridiculously spot on predictions she had been detailing about tomorrow's event, and what the other Guilds would do.

Between anticipating the moves of the other Wizards, who was likely to be taken out first among them, and laying out who she thought would act and how... Well, the way she seemed to be able to guess SaberTooth's moves had Hora reeling.

An 85% chance Orga would seek out Laxus for a fight, a 90% chance Rogue would look for Gajeel, a 87% chance Minerva would seek out either Erza or Kagura (or even both), and a 92% chance that Sting would wait to let the herd clear out before looking to attack anyone. Those paired with a quick overview of how each of the afore mentioned capabilities stacked up in terms of speed, attack and defensive power, and even planning... And all manner of that spanning across details and predictions that Hora almost completely agreed with. In some ways it felt like Mavis had known and been with her Guild-mates as long as Hora had, and that was why she seemed to know their moves and the way they thought to well... But of course it wasn't like that, and it just made it more terrifying.

About half an hour ago, Hora had hashed out the last details of what transpired tonight (in limits, of course..) and settled into telling Mavis and Erza alike what Magic it was that Minerva used, and what her battle strategy usually relied.

(Long range, surprise attacks and leverage and manipulation... Paired with lightning quick speed and a near impossible sense of space and everything in it...)

And again, Hora knew little about it. She'd never come to blows with Minerva enough to be a full on fight, so what she had seen of Minerva's battle habits had been from the few times of watching her work over the years... But she probably knew more about it than any others in the world- besides Mavis, apparently.

To begin with, Mavis knew much more about Minerva's Magic specifically than Hora did- which wasn't much a surprise in the grand scheme of things. But it was an Ancient Magic and a rare one at that, so info was limited to begin with, but Mavis knew of it regardless. And like all the other SaberTooth members, Mavis seemed incredibly aware of Minerva's habits without ever really knowing her.

But all in all, that discussion on Minerva hadn't lasted long at all. There was a bit of general discussion held between Mavis, Hora and Erza on the redhead's inevitable confrontation with SaberTooth's Lady, but it was just that- general. And the whole discussion lasted little more than Hora saying her piece about it, before Mavis seemed content to let Erza come up with a strategy all on her own.

The lack of detailed planning set Hora on edge more than she would admit, but it was Lector's life at risk and to be decided by the outcome of Erza's battle with Minerva. And while she trusted Erza to do her utmost best, not having a clear idea of what Titania was planning just wasn't comforting... But she had to leave it alone. She had to trust and believe in Erza, and believe she would get Lector back.

But damn if her worry and fear would fade

Anyway, once the discussion about Minerva was done with, Mavis had started into her battle strategy and attention on Hora had faded into nothing. It had been decided that the Team participating in the GMG tomorrow would consist of Erza, Juvia, Gajeel, Laxus and Gray... Which left Natsu, Wendy, Mirajane, Hora and the Exceeds as the rescue party that would be storming the castle, though plans on that part hadn't been talked about yet, not with Mavis focusing on the strategy for the GMG at the moment.

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