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Lara and I have been happily married for 10 years. We still look exactly the same despite being older. Apparently, werewolves stop aging once they reach 25. Vampires are different since they can basically decide when to stop aging.

Today is a big day since it's our daughter's birthday! Yep, we have a daughter. We were able to have a child that was biologically our own. A lot of witchy stuff and bone marrow transfusion allowed me to become pregnant with our child.

I remember Lara would whine about how she had to endure the pain of a bone marrow extraction. I let her know that I was the one who would be giving birth and that was a lot more painful than getting stuck with a needle. She winced and cried out like a baby during the procedure. To be fair, the procedure looked incredibly painful. I decided to get her a reward: gelato. She beamed until she realized she doesn't eat food. I smirked at her glaring form.

Anyways, we had our little Zena 5 years ago. And that's what we are celebrating today, her fifth birthday! Lara has been zooming around the villa, ordering the staff around. She wants this birthday to be even better than the last... and the last had a private zoo. Lara claimed that she was a former party animal, meaning she knew how to host an awesome party. She expected her child to have nothing but the best.

I simply allowed her to throw the event since she was determined to make Zena happy. Zena had wanted a candy themed party. I was hesitant since I didn't want my child stuffing her face with candy the entire day, but Lara dismissed my concerns. Her little Zena wanted a candy themed party, so she would throw Zena a candyland themed party.

I'm not sure how she got a lollipop slide, but I must admit that she's resourceful and hella creative. We made sure to invite the kids of our friends as well as the orphans. I heard Lara screaming at some poor contractor because the gummy bear chandelier wasn't to her liking.

"She really goes overboard, doesn't she?" My father's ghost and Dante walked up to me.

A couple of years into our marriage, Lara found a spell that would be able to sustain my father's form. He was able to be around us in his ghost apparition, regardless of the time of day. I remember when he reunited with my mother. That was an emotional day. It was particularly emotional when he urged my mother to find peace and happiness with her current husband. He wanted her to be safe and live as normal a life as possible.

"Don't you think?" Dante brought me out of my daydream.

"Yes and I'm worried she's going to give them PTSD." I motioned to the cowering workers.

"You must suggest to my sister that she calm down." I smiled at Alec.

All of our friends had arrived and looked at Lara with renewed interest. I was about to dismiss myself, but Hailey and Lexi offered to relieve the worker of his hounding boss. I noticed Alena had arrived with her new wife, Jessica. Apparently, Jessica was Alena's "personal servant" during her marriage to that wretched king. She fell in love with her, but couldn't pursue anything further out of fear of the late vampire king.

 She fell in love with her, but couldn't pursue anything further out of fear of the late vampire king

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"I'm so excited for this candy theme!" Sophie jumped in excitement while holding onto Alec's arm.

"I'm so excited for this candy theme!" Sophie jumped in excitement while holding onto Alec's arm

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I glanced at Taemin to see that he brought his mate, Nick. I greeted Nick with a smile and hug. Taemin smiled when I embraced him as well. I saw Matt carrying the enormous cake with ease while Zayn struggled to drag the gifts. Jade laughed at Zayn's expense before walking over to us.

 Jade laughed at Zayn's expense before walking over to us

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"That's a crazy cake she's got." My mother noted.

I nodded. Lara really went all out with this one. Zena wanted the most outrageous, daring cake. Because of that, Lara spent a lot of late nights dreaming about the perfect cake. She finally settled on a Ripley's Believe It Or Not cake. The structure of the cake made it appear that it would topple over, but it somehow held its form. I asked if magic was used, but Matt shook his head no.

"Where's my granddaughter?" Alena was getting angsty. "I haven't seen her in a while." I rolled my eyes since she saw her last week.

"GRANDMA!" We turned to see Zena run and jump into Alena's arms.

Zena favored Alena over her other grandparents since the woman was just like her daughter, they spoiled the shit out of her. Alena tightly embraced her before lowering her onto the ground. Zena then greeted everyone with tight hugs, but not as tight of a hug Alena had gotten.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Zena looked around in awe at the decorations. "Thank you so much!" She hugged me.

"What do you think, little dove?" She raced over to a smiling Lara. She picked her up as Zena began peppering her face with kisses.

Lara placed her back on the ground and told her to enjoy the party. Zena then ran off to play with the other kids. Zena noticed some of the orphans felt out of place, so she grabbed their hands and forced them to play with everyone.

We spent the remainder of the evening lounging around and talking. It was a lot of fun to sit back and relax. Dante gave us some time off so that we could focus on Zena. I wasn't sure when we'd be sent on another mission, but I'd assume it'd be soon since Zena's birthday would be over.

I snuggled deeper into my wife as the bonfire warmed us. She smiled and placed a kiss to the back of my neck. I love her and our little family. Lara must've sensed my happiness because I could sense the love radiating from her. I faced her and pecked her lips. She smiled and snuggled me.

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