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I yawned as the bright sun woke me up. I turned to see Zena's sleeping form next to me. Lara and I are really going to have to start training her to sleep in her room. But before we do that... I pulled her sleeping form closer to me so that I could snuggle her.

I heard the door creak open, so I opened my eyes. I saw Lara looking at us with so much love. When she realized I was awake, she walked over to place a kiss to my temple. She did it to Zena as well before walking onto the balcony. I carefully moved Zena onto my chest, as to not wake her.

I watched as Lara sat down and began to play the harp. I smiled at the soothing sounds. The music perfectly contrasted with the crashing of the waves in the background. Lara smiled when our eyes connected.

I then began to feel Zena stir. The gentle sounds of the harp were always enough to wake her. She shook her head a few times to regain her senses. She quickly realized she was on my chest, so she spread her arms out. I chuckled at her actions. Lara stopped playing and moved to tickle our daughter. She squealed and begged Lara to stop. Lara giggled before lifting Zena off me so that she could freshen her up. Lara was always a sucker for our daughter. That little girl had the most dangerous and feared vampire twisted around her little finger.

I took the rare moment of solitude to properly wake up. I then went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. By the time I arrived downstairs, Zena and her cousins were eating the breakfast Lara and the chef prepared for them. I remember the first time Lara asked to assist the chef. He was confused, but permitted her. I remember how shocked and in awe he was at the creation Lara made. From that day forward, the head chef always wanted his sous chef, Lara, to join him.

I grabbed a plate and sat next to Lara. She put a loving hand on my thigh while I ate. Domenico soon entered the room, causing Zena to groan in agony. Domenico sent an apologetic smile to us while we sent him reassuring ones. Domenico has been trying to get Zena to attend school, claiming that it'd be perfect for her. Zena insisted that she could learn from home. Domenico's argument was that she needed to be around kids other than her family. Lara and I agreed with that logic, but Zena was so insistent about not going. I was all for sending her against her will, but her "easily manipulated maman" didn't want to subject her to such cruelty and torture. And that was coming from a person who's tortured countless souls.

"No!" Zena cried out before Domenico could even open his mouth. "Maman! Please don't make him send me." She gave Lara her best puppy dog eyes. I felt obliged to step in before Lara had the chance.

"Tesoro, it'll be okay. Just give it a chance. If you don't like it, then we'll take you out." She looked down, but nodded at me.

Lara had to step outside for a moment. The little wuss couldn't stand to see her child sad. I'm going to need to give her a bottle of alcohol.

Zena ate her breakfast very slowly. Domenico couldn't take it anymore and cleared her plates away before picking her up. Before they left, Lara and I each kissed Zena's cheeks. She looked so fearful that I had to drag Lara away before she changed her mind.

Domenico strapped our daughter into the Bugatti before driving off. I think Lara was about to have a full breakdown. Luckily, Dante and my father approached us. Domenico had found some information and we needed to know it stat.

My uncle and father began discussing different countries having abnormal natural occurrences. For example, rain in the desert and snow halting in cold regimes, just to name a couple. They have also noticed cattle and plants dying from unexpected reasons. What concerns them the most is that there have been similar sightings in Italy.

They believe it's the work of a witch or coven of witches. Either is not good. Lara and my marriage brought mixed reactions amongst the different species. Most were happy about the unification between the biggest rivals. That meant that the war was over and there'd be no more casualties. Others... weren't as happy. They were either against wolves or vampires entirely. They felt threatened by the marriage, knowing that they couldn't eradicate the race they despised. They felt even more fearful once Zena was born since she was a royal vampire-wolf hybrid. The extent to her power was unknown.

Lara and I have been traveling the globe to eradicate threats. Unfortunately, there were so many small groups that it'd be impossible to rid them all.

"That person or group is bold." Lara commented. "They know France and Italy are the two countries one should not touch. They want a reaction."

"Then a reaction they will receive." I smirked at Lara.

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