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Lara was antsy this morning. We needed to plan for the war, which meant that we needed the council leaders support. In order for that to happen, she needed to continue playing the part as Queen. What she didn't like was that I had to wear the collar. She was yelling at her brother and mother. I, along with help from the others, was holding her back so she wouldn't kill them.

"Lara." I took her face in my hands. "It's okay. It's only for a while."

"I hate seeing you in that degrading thing." She spat.

"She needs to play the part as your slave." Uh, oh. Lara broke our hold and slammed Alec into the wall.

"Want to repeat that word?" She dared him.

"Lara!" We pulled her off Alec.

"Unfortunately..." Her mother gently joined the conversation. "We need to make it look like you do not care for her. And to do that... she needs to wear the collar." Her mother stated.

"It'll be fine, Lara." I pecked her lips. "I trust you." I smiled.

She sighed, so I motioned for Hailey to hand me the thing. I placed it around my neck and had Hailey adjust it. Lara looked distraught at having to see me in it. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

She wanted to continue holding my hand, but Alec unclasped our hands. He said we couldn't waltz into the room with our hands clasped if we wanted it to appear that Lara didn't care for me. Alec was at his wits end with us. Her mother sighed and placed a loving hand on her shoulder.

Lexi and Hailey grabbed my biceps. They gave me reassuring smiles before escorting me to the room. Lara walked ahead of us, but would sporadically check on me. Alec and her mother had to constantly turn her around. Her mother found Lara's behavior to be adoring while Alec was highly annoyed. He just wanted this meeting to go off without a hitch.

We entered to see the council members and their dick of a dad. Their eyes lit up at the collar around my neck. I rolled my eyes at their demeaning stares. Her father was the first to speak up.

"Thank the Lord! We were beginning to think you had feelings for the mutt." He chuckled while Lara held in her rage. "Good to see that the dog is back in its place. As a pet." He chuckled with the others.

"I am curious, your highness. Is she a good fuck? Does her pussy-"

He didn't get to finish his question since Lara ripped his heart out. Alec simply threw his hands in the air and groaned. Lara then sped and plucked hearts out, decapitated people, and ripped limbs off. I was picking my nails while she was slaughtering everyone inside. Alena had gasped and began scolding Lara, but she was too busy killing people. Taemin and Hailey shook their heads while Lexi began laughing at the members begging for mercy. Lara was about to end her father's life when we heard a bone chilling howl outside. Lara snapped his neck before zooming over to me. She ripped the collar off my throat and kissed the bruises.

"Really couldn't keep it together, could you?" Alec narrowed his eyes.

"The wolves have probably infiltrated the grounds." Alena and Taemin zoomed to the window. "Yes, they're advancing."

"We need to get you out of here!" Lexi shouted.

"Hailey and Taemin will assist you." The others left us.

"Come on!" Hailey grabbed us.

"Where are we going?!" We ran after them.

"Take you into the forest and try looking for the witch or something. I don't know!"

We ran through the halls, but were stopped by growling wolves. They disregarded my presence and attacked us. Taemin whizzed in front of us and began battling the attackers. He kicked one harshly in the head and wrapped his arms around another one's neck. He instantly crushed the wolf. Before he could turn, another wolf pounced on him. More wolves quickly piled on top of him.

We wanted to help, but Hailey urged us to move. We ran down the back stairwell. Some wolves intercepted us, causing us to jump 10 stories. We were running along the snow when more wolves began chasing us. One jumped at us, but Lara punched it down.

Hailey tried to get in between any wolf and us. I growled at the wolves, trying to get them to submit. Why aren't they listening to me? I then realized they don't serve me. They only serve Bruno. I cursed and tried fighting them off. Lara ripped a wolf off me and plowed him into the tree. She then raced towards me.

"Are you alright?" She grabbed my bloody arm.

"I'll be fine." I shrugged her off.

More wolves began racing towards us. Lara and Hailey grabbed my hand and dragged me away. We were jumping over logs and ducking under branches like we were doing parkour. At one point, Hailey stopped. Lara and I immediately halted and quizzically looked at her.

"Someone needs to hold them off." She gave us a sad smile. "Allow me one last time to serve you both." We didn't have time to respond since Hailey darted towards the wolves.

Lara grabbed my arm and sped me away. I felt my heartache at knowing their fates. They were willing to die in order to protect us. I bit down the sob in my throat and kept running. Lara eventually picked me up and rushed away. I tightened my grip around her neck as she allowed us to disappear in a blur. Since when was she so fast?!

Lara zipped up and down the mountains. I was freezing from the frigid temperature along with the air breezing on my face. And because Lara's body temperature is below subzero, she couldn't even warm me up! She eventually stopped when we got to the countryside. She placed me down on the lush green grass. I began to feel the comfortable temperature heat me up.

I wandered around and saw the small village. I realized we were still in France based on the flags and architecture. I think we're in Gordes. Lara took my hand and walked me through the town. The vampires here looked, but smiled. Huh, so they're friendly here. They bowed to Lara when she passed.

Lara smiled at them as we walked to an old building. We had to hike up the mountain until we reached the small place. Lara knocked on the door before entering. Inside sat an older woman. She smiled when her eyes connected with ours.

"Quelle amène la reine dans mon humble maison?" (What brings the Queen to my humble house?)

"Je recherche une sorcière pour m'aider à exécuter un sort puissant. Tu ne saurais pas où je pourrais en trouver un, n'est-ce pas?" (Im looking for a powerful witch to help me perform a spell. You wouldn't know where I could find one, would you?)

Lara smirked and sat across from the woman. I followed suit and watched the amusement in the witch's eyes. She placed a dusty book onto the table and blew at it. Lara and I coughed as we inhaled the dust. The old lady perched back and had a Cheshire smile.

"Quoi puis-je vous aider?" (What can I help you with?)

"Voyage interdimensionnel." (Interdimensional travel) I stated.

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