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I woke up in excruciating pain. I'll attribute the pain to the lashes and not the uncomfortably hard floor. I propped myself onto my side and observed the dark, stone cold room. Great, she placed me back in the dungeons. I can't believe she whipped me for beyond eternity and had me heal in the dungeons.

I flopped onto my back and shouted in pain. Big mistake, jackass! You're entire back is raw, yet you flopped onto it! A guard rushed outside my cell. He took one look at me before rushing away. Did I scare him with my hideous face?

I then saw Hailey appear. She let out a sigh of relief before ordering the guard to open the door. She was then at my side. I saw some supplies in her hands, so I assume she's going to help me. I began screaming in agony when she cleaned my wounds. She kept apologizing and saying she was almost down. LIAR! You've been saying you're almost done from the moment you touched me!

She finally finished and laid me on my side. Hailey began placing her supplies back in the bag. She zipped it up, but couldn't bring herself to move. She sighed.

"She wants to see you now that you're awake."

"No." I held back my sniffles.


"NO!" Hailey flinched when I roared. "I don't want to see her." I told her with a tone of finality. Hailey sighed before standing up.

"I'll be back to check on you tomorrow and everyday after that." She then left me alone.

Once I heard the door close, I allowed myself to silently cry. I was so hurt. Beyond hurt. I was shattered that my mate could be so cruel. That she'd willingly inflict pain upon me. The dagger was turned in my heart since I knew she could also feel the mate bond, yet had no issue in public flagellation. I'm beginning to feel resentment towards the woman I fell in love with.

Hailey didn't lie. Everyday she has been here. She convinced me that she came here to make sure I was recovering, but she'd often stay and try to talk to me. I say "try" because I refused to speak to anyone. I felt complete humiliation and had all my pride stripped from me. Hailey would continue speaking to me, despite the cold shoulder she received.

"Mia." I flinched when she touched my shoulder. Hailey immediately removed her hand and a sad expression appeared on her face. "Please, eat something." She pushed the plate of meat towards me, but I continued to stare at the wall. "You're body is severely weakened from the beatings, chains, and lack of nutrition. You need to eat in order to speed up your recovery." She pleaded.

I could tell she was concerned for my health. I'd be too if I were in her shoes. I knew my body was shutting down. I couldn't even hear Chiara anymore. The bond between my wolf and I was severed. We were too weak to communicate with each other, as well as too broken.

"You're dying, Mia." She clutched onto my hands. "Please, don't die." I could see tears in her eyes. "You can't waste away." Tears were now streaming down her face. "Please." She tried pushing the food in my mouth, but my jaw was clamped shut. I just wanted to die.

I thought Hailey would eventually leave, but she didn't. I'm not sure how many nights she stayed, but she never left my side. I'd often fall asleep on her lap. She'd calm me down by playing with my hair. She never ceased coaxing me to eat and I never changed my resolve. I felt Hailey's fingers trace the outlines of my bony ribs.

"Mia, please consume something." She begged.

I decided to verbalize my answer to her. I was shocked when I locked eyes with her. Her once brown eyes were now red with black veins surrounding them.

"When's the last time you've eaten?" I sat up.

"You starve, I starve." She said with a forced smile.

I can only imagine the amount of self control she has. She's starving herself, yet has the ability not to ravish me. In fact, I've been snuggled up to her this entire time. I've been torturing her by allowing my scent to waft into her nose. She was subjected to smelling my blood, but couldn't consume it.


"It's my pact to you."

"Wh-what happens if you don't drink?" I've always been curious, but never asked Lara about it.

"Desiccation." She smiled.

"I can't allow that. You need to drink." I placed my wrist next to her mouth. "Drink!"

Hailey whipped her face away from my wrist. I could see her fidgeting with her mouth. I saw her lip lift up a little, revealing her white fangs. Hailey closed her eyes and focused. Her fangs contracted back into their normal form.

"No." She pushed my hand away.

"I'll eat if you drink."

"You're too weak for me to drink from."

"I'll eat!" She seemed to register what I was saying.

I began to consume the plate of cold meat. Eww! But, my fault for allowing it to get cold. I was only planning on eating a little, but I was so hungry that I ended up consuming the entire plate. Hailey watched to make sure I ate everything. I turned to her with a forced smile.

"Now, drink!" I held my wrist up to her.

"I could never touch what belongs to Lara." She gently said. "But, I'll grab a blood bag and be back before you know it." She then whizzed out the room.

"The thing is... I'm not Lara's anymore." I whispered to the empty room. 

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