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Besides the rocking motion of the van, I'm guessing we're on a boat to France. I rolled my eyes before closing them again. I woke up when the van came to an abrupt stop. I nearly got crushed to death from ten people piled on top of me.

The door opened and we were grabbed out. Soldiers grabbed us by the chains and led us towards the massive castle. I gulped, remembering that this place has brought nothing but horrid memories. We were led into the dungeons, except that this dungeon room was massive compared to the one in my world.

The guard threw me into an occupied cell. My cellmates gave me small smiles. I glared at the smirking guard who closed the door. I noticed no one was speaking. All the prisoners looked down in fear and brokenness. There has to be something we can do.

"You have a fighting spirit." I turned at the hoarse male voice. "I admire it, but you have to suppress it, if you wish to survive." I gave a small smile to the old man.

"If we do nothing, we will always be their slaves." I stated. "How long have you been here?"

"I've lost count of the years." He coughed. "My main purpose is to provide blood." He held up his bruised hands. Bites littered his arms. "You remind me of my daughter." He chuckled. "I wonder what she looks like now." He sadly smiled.

I was about to respond, but heard footsteps. The old man motioned for me to move behind him. He then urged me to keep my head down. I decided to appease him since I could sense his fear.

A guard screeched open the iron clad barrier. A disgustingly smug smile adorned his face. His eyes raped every female in his vicinity. He grabbed the closest victim and drove his teeth into her neck. I stiffened at the sudden action and the pain filled shrieks exiting the girl's mouth. The guard dropped her limp body and wiped the blood from his mouth.

Other guards entered and began to drink and rape some of the girls. My eyes widened at the horrific scene. A guard paused in front of me and licked his lips. He then reached down and pulled me up by my chains. His vile eyes were met with my fiery ones.

"Be a good little slut and open your legs for me." He pushed me against the wall and began unzipping his pants.

"How about you take me to your Queen?" I hissed before shoving him back.

He stumbled at first. His face then contorted in anger. He sped towards me, but I moved out the way. I allowed him to crash into the wall before hooking my chains around his neck. I then used the chains to crack his neck, making him fall limp.

The other guards saw and stopped assaulting the other girls. I now had their full attention. Well, bring it on bloodsuckers! The closest one raced towards me, but I kicked him back. I then pulled the heart out of one that darted towards me.

The old man was looking at me in shock and worry. He was pleading with me to stop, but I ignored him. There was no way that I'd allow these perverts to continue harming innocent people.

Even though the chains severely weaken me, I was still able to decapitate some vampires. I'll have to attribute it to my royal blood making me stronger than the average wolf. My eyes changed color and I used my lengthened incisors to bite down on the vampires' necks. They hissed in pain as I injected my venom into them.

"Help! We need backup!" Backup came seconds later, but were nothing compared to me.

I had most of them beaten to a bloody pulp. I kept fighting off the incoming guards. The guards would scream for backup, but I'd beat the shit out of the backup. I'm pretty sure the entire castle heard their desperate pleas for assistance. I lowly chuckled as these self- proclaimed "almighty vampires" begged for mercy.

I was about to claw another one's throat out, but something was placed around my neck. The moment the collar was clicked shut, I cried out in pain. The internal spikes were cutting through my flesh, forcing me to forego my wolf counterpart.

I would've fallen if not for the arm wrapped securely around my waist. My vision was becoming cloudy due to the pain. Before I blacked out, I heard a French accent. Even though the voice was accented, it still had an air of familiarity.

"Looks like they brought me a feisty one." The voice chuckled.

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