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I growled at my hecklers. The "civilized" vampires were becoming rowdy at the spectacle they were about to watch. They began throwing rocks at me while waiting for my punisher.

I saw the royal family walking towards me. The only one who looked pleased was Lara's father. She, on the other hand, kept her stoic expression. I couldn't even sense her feelings. Was she sad? Angry at me? Indifferent? I couldn't tell.

I then noticed the whip in her father's hand. My eyes widened as I observed the silver spikes lining it. I could also see a liquid material coating the spikes. When he got closer, I could smell the vile scent of Wolfsbane.

The vampires cheered when he stepped onto the platform. Great, he's going to be whipping me. He circled around me and held his hands up, motioning for the crowd to get louder. He then turned towards me with a sickening grin. He used his fingers to trace from my lips down to my cleavage. I heard a sharp hiss, ceasing his movements. We looked at the source of the sound: a very pissed off Lara. His face then brightened with a vile thought.

"Mes excuses. Vous devriez être celui qui la fouette. Vous seul pouvez distribuer le montant correct de la punition." (My apologies. You should be the one to whip her. Only you can give the correct amount of punishment)

He didn't wait for Lara to reply since he shoved the whip into her hands. I heard him mutter something about giving the audience a good show. Now, Lara's stoic expression fell to reveal a terrified one. Though, the fear only flitted across her face. She quickly covered it up with a look of indifference.

Lara looked to her brother who only stared back at her. She then focused on the task at hand. She didn't make eye contact with me as she ascended onto the platform. Was she really going to go through with this?!

I felt her chilled fingers stroke the back of my neck. I'm not sure if the action was one of apology or not. I locked eyes with Hailey. She was struggling to contain her emotions. I then saw Lexi and Taemin. Lexi was firmly clutching onto his arm, readying to bury her face into his arm.

I watched as Hailey's eyes widened. I then felt the splitting of my skin. I grunted at the pain. The whip hissed and cracked in the air before repeatedly clashing with my skin. I gasped at one particularly painful slice. My arms gave out and I fell, but Lara didn't stop. It appeared my weakening state only made her angrier. My wolf couldn't even fight for control since we were both insanely weak and in pain.

I looked to Hailey to see her about to pass out. Taemin stared straight at me, but it was more of an encouraging stare. He was trying to send me support and a little strength. Lexi kept flinching everytime she heard the whip crack and me grunt. She couldn't bring herself to actually watch the scene, so she kept her eyes closed and face pressed against Taemin's arm. Sophie had tears in her eyes, so Alec wrapped his arm around her. To the average person, he was looking at me, but I could tell his eyes weren't focused. He was struggling to watch this. Alena, now, couldn't watch it. She averted her gaze and subtly flinched whenever I yelled in pain. Lara's father was shouting with the crowd and laughing. He was placing bets with some people to see how much longer until I pass out.

I completely crumbled onto the ground. Every in take of breath hurt my very core. Lara decided that NOW would be a great time to stop. She moved into my line of sight so that I could see her skintight white dress soaked in my blood. I could've sworn I saw a look of concern flit across her features, but I passed out before I could think about it more.

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