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I had convinced Hailey to play chess with me and I was kicking her ass. I found her frustrated groans to be quite amusing. Lexi was lounging on my bed while she watched me obliterate Hailey. Ever since our horsey adventures yesterday, the two girls have felt more comfortable around me. I was catching glimpses of the Lexi I knew from back home.

"You must be cheating." Hailey tossed her knight across the room. "There's no way that you're successfully able to beat me!"

"Why because I'm a wolf?" She glared at my smirk. "It's that very reason that I'm better than you."

Hailey was about to respond, but a knock on the door interrupted her. I chuckled at her annoyed features. Lexi rolled off the bed to answer the door. She swung it open to reveal a tense Taemin. We looked at him in confusion.

"They want to see Mia." He spoke while intently staring at me.

"Why?" Hailey glanced between me and Taemin.

"Because they knew who she is." He angrily spat. "We know you're Princess Amelia, daughter of Alpha Enzo of the Knight pack." The girls' eyes darted to me for confirmation.

Instead of answering them, I kept my poise and stood up. Taemin moved aside to allow me to pass him. The girls didn't say anything, but I could feel their betrayal. We silently walked to the throne room. I've always gotten PTSD when entering this room.

Instead of the Vampire King sitting on the throne, Lara was there. Her eyes narrowed in coldness and anger as she soaked in my form. I saw the room was crowded with council members. They sneered and hissed as I walked passed them. I saw Alec and Sophie standing near the throne. Alec had his hands behind his back as he kept his head high in the air. Sophie shot me a frightened look, clearly sacred for me.

I noticed Alena and Lara's father standing near the throne as well. Alena kept her signature stoic expression while the evil man maniacally grinned at me. He flashed me his fangs. I kept my composure and didn't shudder under his eyes. I allowed Taemin and Lexi to stop me a few feet before the throne. They harshly pushed down on my shoulders, resulting in me kneeling.

When I had the courage to look up, I was met with Lara's calculating eyes. I could normally read her, but she was a complete mystery to me now. I could tell she was angry, but that was it.

"Amenez le témoin." (Bring the witness) She commanded a servant.

It didn't take long for him to drag in a wounded boy. His clothes were tattered and he had dried blood caked across his body. He grunted in pain everytime he was forced to walk. I glanced down to see that his leg had been badly injured, yet they were forcing him to put weight on it. I growled at his abusers.

"Keep that in your throat lest I tear your throat out." I turned in shock to Lara. Okay, she's not playing around.

They threw the boy down at Lara's feet. He was shaking in fear. He slowly looked up at me and shot me an apologetic glance. He kept mouthing how sorry he was. What was he sorry for?

"SPEAK!" A guard kicked the boy in his side.

The boy flew a few feet before rolling to a stop. Some of the vampire council members kicked the boy back towards the throne. He skidded to a stop and propped himself up. He was breathing heavily.

"Look up at me." Lara commanded the terrified teen.

"I'm sorry, y-your ma-majesty. Yes, sh-she is t-the wolf p-princess Amelia."

My eyes widened at that kid. He really just blew my cover?! Well, I can understand since he's not used to torture. Lara nodded her head at the guards. I didn't know what the action meant, but I knew it wasn't good. In a swift motion, a guard ripped the kid's heart from his chest. I was stunned when his body flopped to the ground. The council members began to hail their opinions at Lara.

"We must kill her!"

"Torture the girl!

"Force her to give us information on the other packs!"

"She's the reason for the village attacks!" Village attacks?

"Drain her dry!" My face screwed up at the fat old guy licking his lips at me.

"ENOUGH!" Lara shouted, shutting them up instantly. "Her punishment will be held privately." She turned away, but her father sped up to her.

"You must publicly punish her." She glared at her father. "We need the support of the different regions. In order to do that, we must have a zero tolerance for dogs." Her glare hardened at his word choice. "How can we ask them to assist us in fighting the dogs if they believe their own Queen is a dog lover?" Lara's hand was immediately around his throat, slamming him against the wall. "You know it's true." He breathlessly spoke.

Lara ripped her gaze from him. Her eyes were focused on an unoccupied wall as she spoke.

"Lashes." I heard her voice waver.

I felt the strong arms of Taemin and Lexi drag me up. My eyes widened at what she just condemned me to. Lara released her father, but refused to look at me. The council members were loudly cheering as I was dragged out the hall. I really wasn't interest in getting whipped, so I struggled against Taemin and Lexi's grip.

Unfortunately, they were able to manhandle me. I think I was about to break Lexi's hold, but Hailey appeared in front of me. She placed the silver bracelets on my wrists. I instantly felt a wave of exhaustion overcome me. And if that wasn't enough, she placed the wolf collar around my throat. I gasped when the collar tightened and the spikes dug into my neck.

I was forced to submit to their desires. Hailey flashed an apologetic glance at me before moving out the way. The two were then easily able to take me outside. Oh, they want to do this publicly. They brought me onto a platform where Taemin held me down. Lexi quickly attached the chains to my hands. She gave Taemin a nod, allowing him to release me. I tried to pull against the chains, but I was already so weak.

I heard the crowd of vampires walking towards us. They were in no hurry since I was trapped. I still tried to free myself, but to no avail. Lexi then grabbed my face with her hands.

"I'm sorry, but you will need to remain strong." I saw tears lining her eyes. She then noticed the vampires getting closer, so she spoke even softer. "Please, forgive her." She then left me to the monsters. 

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