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Taemin in my world was a man of few words. Taemin in this world... well, does he even speak? He's just been silently staring at me. Not like throwing daggers, but intently watching to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happened.

He even made me second guess sitting on Lara's bed. I tried engaging in a staring contest with him, but the bastard didn't even blink! I easily lost and groaned in annoyance. I flopped onto my back and looked at the ceiling.

I'm really, really bored. What to do? What to do? Wait! Haven't I had those same thoughts before? Hmm... the only way to truly entertain myself would be to annoy the absolute shit out of Lara. Now, how can I do that when I have a babysitter?

I turned my head to see Taemin still staring at me. Creepy ass! My eyes searched the room until it settled on a pair of scissors. I smiled and jumped out the bed. Taemin watched my every action. I sauntered to the scissors and lifted it up. I eyed Taemin while playing with them. If he was curious, he didn't show it. My smirk deepened as I opened the scissors and sliced it across my arm.

Taemin flinched at the action. He made a move to step forwards, but suddenly stopped. The smirk was permanently etched on my face as I watched him struggle to control himself at the sight of my blood. He slapped his hands over his nose and mouth. Taemin squeezed his eyes shut. Like that would stop my sweet, delicious blood from wafting into his nose.

I decided to toy with him, so I sauntered towards him. Taemin whipped his head away from me when I placed my bloody arm under his nose. I chuckled as he fought against his monster. Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy his frantic state any longer since Lara burst through the door.

She took one look at the situation before throwing me onto the bed. The moment she did it, Taemin lost control. His eyes darkened and turned red as dark veins appeared near his eye. He tried to lunge at me, but Lara easily caught him. She tried to calm him down, but he was in predator mode. I laughed as she struggled to reach his humanity side. She shot me a glare before breaking his neck.

Lara gently placed Taemin's limp body on the floor. She watched me in anger, frustration, and helplessness. My brows furrowed as to why she appeared helpless. I then realized she was struggling to control her own demon. I was now a little scared. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"H-Hailey!" Her eyes were flickering between black and green.

Hailey arrived a second later. She assessed the situation. Hailey then swiftly whizzed Lara out the door. She then returned with a first aid kit and began dressing my injury. We sat in complete silence. I was shocked to learn that Hailey was the one who could control her instincts the best. Well, she is older so...

"Thanks." Hailey only glared at me. "Okay, I know it wasn't the smartest thing, but I was really bored."

"Do you always put yourself in harms way when you're bored?" Her French accent thickened. She was angry. "This could've ended very poorly." She began packing up the supplies.

"And you care about my survival?" I dryly chuckled.

"Contrary to what you might believe, no one here wants you dead." I raised a brow at the information. "You are quite the guest." Her statement was devoid of amusement.

"I've been told I can be a handful." I shrugged.

"Good thing I have two hands." We turned to see Lara leaning against the doorframe. "You can go, Hails." She tilted her head. Hailey's sighed, but gave me a final glare before leaving.

"Who knew you couldn't control yourself around a little blood?" I taunted the Queen.

"Clearly, not you." She closed the door. "What am I going to do with you?" She mused.

"Keep me occupied." She looked at me. "I can be quite mischievous when left on my own."

"How mischievous?" She pushed me on my back and crawled on top of me. "I desire the unordinary."

"Unfortunately, the feeling isn't mutual." I flipped her off me. "For someone to desperately desire something different, they must be incredibly basic." I then rushed her and slammed her against the wall. I could've sworn I heard her moan, so I used that to my advantage. "Never thought the almighty Queen would be powerless against the touch of her blood slut." My comment broke her out of the trance I put her in.

Lara easily broke the hold and slammed me against the wall. I gasped as her nails dug deeper into my flesh. She was fighting back the urge to kill me. Her lips would lift slightly whenever her canines extended. She closed her eyes and regained control over her body and emotions. She then locked eyes with me.

"Never refer to yourself as my slut." She spoke through gritted teeth.

"Why?" I felt the need to defy her. "That's what everyone else sees when they look at us. What's the issue with you labeling the relationship that?" My eyes narrowed.

"Because-" Instead of answering, she slammed me into the wall. I could feel her struggle with her feelings. She desperately needs a therapist to sort out her emotions. "J-Just stop!" She begged.

"Never thought I'd have the Queen stuttering and at a loss for words... also, begging?" My words seemed to drive her insane.

I was expecting her to slam me against the wall in annoyance. What I didn't expect was for her to release me. Her eyes were cast down as she took a step back. She didn't bother replying since she zoomed out the room. What just happened?

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