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Lara and I had finally tracked this witch down. How dare she steal our child?! She was going to pay! My vision was entirely red. I ignored Lara's suggestion for forming a plan and ripped the door from its hinges.

I walked in with a purpose to see the witch comfortably seated on a chair. Zena was petrified as the witch ran her hand through our daughter's soft curls. I was about to rip this witch's head off, but Lara held me back. I shot her a glare, but she tried to reassure me with her eyes. She was right. We couldn't just go in guns blazing (even though I wanted to) because the witch still had the upper hand. She had our kid in her arms for fuck's sake!

I allowed Lara to maintain a firm grip on my arm as I glared at the enemy. The witch chuckled before placing our child on her lap. She wrapped her arms around Zena's abdomen and leant her chin on top of our little girl's head. I heard a growl escape Lara's throat from the intimate interaction.

"My, my..." She chuckled. "It took you long enough. And here I thought I would have to harm a precious little hair on her adorable head." She placed her cheek next to Zena's.

"Release her and I'll make your death quick." Lara spoke through gritted teeth. "Hold on to her a second longer and you'll endure an agonizing death." It was my turn to hold her back.

"Such hostility." She frowned. "And here to think that I have the upper hand." She stood up with Zena.

We followed behind her as she carried our kid around the cottage. We stiffened when she lit a fireplace with a flick of her wrist. Lara and I were ready to dart forward if she dare throw our kid in there. Thankfully, she turned away from the danger. Lara found a bucket of water and extinguished the fire.

"What do you want?" My voice was stern, but I was shaking inside.

I was terrified that she'd hurt her. Lara sensed my state and sent calm energy through our bond link. She squeezed my hand in comfort.

"I want you to suffer and I want control." The witch bounced our daughter up and down, but she wasn't enjoying the playfulness.

"Who are you working for?" Lara demanded.

"No one you should worry about... yet." She smirked.

She enjoyed her game a little while longer. She then placed Zena on the ground. Zena wasted no time in darting into my awaiting arms. I picked her up in one smooth movement. I breathed a sigh of relief as I inhaled her scent. Her body shook as she sobbed into my chest, resulting in me tightening my embrace.

"Prepare to die." Lara spoke before rushing the witch.

Lara had that bitch pinned by the throat. She made extra emphasis about her fury by repeatedly pounding the witch into the wall. Her breath hitched in pain as she eyed Lara with fury. Lara opened her mouth to rip the witch's throat out, but she used a spell to propel Lara off her.

Lara flew into a wall, but quickly stood up and sped in front of us. She protectively placed herself between the witch and her family. The witch chuckled and began demonstrating her dark energy. I could sense Lara's unease at the display of power.

"Many are not favorable of the unity between the wolf and vampire kingdoms." I guess she's alluding to the other species. "They will never forget the fear instilled by the vampires."

"That was in the past! Everything has changed!" I retorted.

"You have such confidence in your lover's changed nature." She darkly chuckled, but I was far from amused. "Ever wondered what life would've been like if your grandfather had died much earlier? I'm sure the events would've played out much differently." She began concocting wisps of energy. "Would your lover turn out the way she is today?"

"She's my wife, not my lover!" I was furious at the disrespect.

"No, she wouldn't even refer to you with the title of lover." Lara and I glanced at each other in confusion. "Would she even accept your bond?" I tightened my hold on Zena as the witch stepped closer. "If she ever truly accepts you, find me." She demonically smirked.

"What are you-" Lara stopped mid sentence to push us out the way.

Lara allowed the bean of energy to hit her. I screamed out in fear as she began shaking. My eyes widened in fear as her body began to fade into mist. It was like I was watching Thanos snap her out of existence. I then felt my arms become lighter. My face shifted into a horrified expression as I saw my arms disappearing. My daughter was horrified that I was no longer holding her.

"Mama! Don't go!" Her eyes began to water as she tried to grab onto me. Tears were streaming down her face as her small hands passed through my form.

"Run!" I demanded. She sniffled, but listened and darted out the door.

I saw my being disappearing. I turned to the witch who was maniacally laughing. Unlike us, she was smiling widely. I turned to Lara and locked eyes with her. Both our eyes were filled with panic, but she tried to put on a brave face for both of us.

"I'll find you!" Those were the last words I heard before she completely evaporated.

"She may find you, but how will she react is the real question." The witch spoke before everything went dark.

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