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Lara and I opened the door to see a more modern world. Okay, definitely back in the right place. I could sense the immense human population. Lara sent me a smile, stating that we were back to reality. We were still in France, so we had to travel to Italy. Reflexively, we both reached for our phones, only to find out we didn't have one. We groaned and looked at each other.

"Know anyone's phone number?" Lara nodded at my question. "Game." I smirked. "Who can convince a stranger to use their phone the fastest." Lara smirked at me before whizzing off. Cheater!

I found an above average guy leaning against a Bugatti. I waltzed over to him. He sensed a presence and looked up with a cocky smirk. I allowed my eyes to widen when I looked at his car. I considered flirting with him in French, but realized I'd probably appear hotter if he knew I was foreign.

"Wow, nice ride." I mimicked a South African accent.

The guy was clearly interested in me. He could barely keep his eyes from wandering to my chest. I decided to play that to my advantage. I crossed my arms, allowing for my boobs to appear bigger.

"Thanks." His French accent rang out. "Maybe I can give you a ride?" He smirked. I had to hold back the urge to roll my eyes at the double entendre.

"Maybe you can." I lowered his phone, so he could give me his full attention. "What kind of ride are you thinking of." I now had his phone in my hand. I glanced down and realized it was locked. Ugh! "Hmm.." I bite my lip, causing him to get a boner. How typical. "I moved his finger to allow me access to his phone. I smirked when it unlocked. He was about to say something, but I cut him off. "Unfortunately, I'm married." I blew him a kiss and walked away.

Now, where's Lara? I was walking and stopped when I saw her flirting with a group of girls. Seriously?! Lara sensed my annoyance and blew me a kiss. She quickly wrapped up the conversation before walking to me. She opened her mouth to say something, but I pushed her against the wall and attacked her lips. I made sure the jealous girls were watching me have my way with her. I pulled back from a flushed Lara and yanked her away.

"Well, damn. Jealousy looks so sexy on you." She entwined our fingers.

I glared at her, but said nothing. I produced the phone for her, claiming that I won. Lara chuckled and produced 5 phones, several credit cards, watches, bracelets, and rings. Where'd she store those?

"Think this makes me the winner." Lara spoke before dropping the expensive pieces into the cups of beggars.

"The game was for a phone, not multiple items. Not my problem you can't follow instructions. And I finished the fastest." Lara chuckled at me.

We walked into a park and sat on the bench. I used the phone to dial Matt's number. Out of everyone, he's the most likely to pick up since my uncle wouldn't dare pick up an unknown number. Come on, Matt. Pick up! Pick up!

"Hello?" His deep voice picked up on the final ring.


"Mia? Mia! Where are you?!" I let out a sigh of relief.

"Gordes, France?" Lara nodded at me. "We need-"

"I'll send a team and will personally be on my way." He hung up the phone.

"Well, shall we explore in the meantime?" Lara suggested, to which I nodded.

Lara and I explored the wine cellars and lush gardens. We walked through the olden city and drank in its features. Matt, Jade, Lexi, and Taemin arrived. I released Lara's hand and wrapped them in a warm embrace. I nearly cried in delight when they hugged me back even tighter. They remembered me! I especially held onto Jade since she was the first person I hugged in the other world who rejected me.

Taemin and Matt led us to the Range Rover waiting. Taemin hopped in the driver's seat while Matt went to the passengers. Jade, Lara and I sat in the middle while Lexi took the back. They then began to bombard us with questions.

They were shocked to learn the series of events Lara and I had endured. Lara then asked them a question that caused them to look down. They had no idea where Zena had been taken. I cried into Lara's embrace at the news. According to them, we vanished after we left to find our daughter. People came to Sardinia, but we weren't there. My uncle even had the locals assist in finding us, but there was no trace. The only thing that told them we were there was the ripped off door and messed up interior.

Alec had witches perform spell after spell to find us, but it was like we never existed. They then had people dedicated to finding us while they searched for little Z. They've gotten clues as to where she was, but no solid evidence. Also, we've been gone for 10 years! Lara's heart stopped at that revelation. We missed 10 years of our daughter's life!

"10 years and nothing!" Lara screamed at them. "How useless can you be?!" She was furious, but they knew her anger was misplaced. "D-Do you think she's dead?" She whispered.

"We hope not." Matt responded.

"They wouldn't kill her." Taemin kept his eyes on the road. "Her status as a hybrid it too powerful." He made a turn. "If anything, she's being tortured." He deadpanned.

"For 10 years." Lara whispered.

"We'll find her." Jade and Lexi stated.

"We're coming for you, Z-bear." I whispered. 

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