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I think I've been stuck here for 2 weeks. After my lovely redecoration of Lara's room, she's made time everyday to entertain me. She'd either allow me to tag along to her royal duties, watch as I rolled around in the snow, or force me to sit still as she painted me. I've also been given more freedom, so I can freely wander the castle grounds. Plus... no more collar or silver bracelets!

I wandered into the library. Damn, I'll never get used to the grandeur of this room. I saw some interesting spell books, so I decided to flip through them. I gasped when I read a specific spell. It was the same spell the witch muttered before pelting that beam of energy at Lara. She had cursed Lara with a delayed amnesia spell. No wonder she didn't remember me.

I closed the book with a huff. Well, now I understand why she had no recollection of me. Instead of feeling down about myself, I decided to have some fun. I saw the rollable ladder and climbed up halfway. I then pushed myself around the room. So much fun! Well, it was fun until it abruptly stopped. I looked down to see a smirking Lara. I glared down at her, but she laughed.

I decide to remove my hold and fall down. Lara's laugh stopped and her breath hitched. She swiftly moved to catch me in her arms. I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Her cheeks were flushed as we looked at each other.

"Lara." We looked at the door to see Alec and Taemin. "We need to speak with you." His voice dropped when he noticed my presence.

"Sure." She placed me down. "Enjoy your reading." She then followed the men out.

"Ugh! I'm so bored!" I groaned.

"Must you be occupied 24/7?" I turned to see Hailey. I wonder how come I never see Lexi. More than likely, she's an intense killing machine.

"That would be the optimal choice." I flopped onto a couch. "I'm used to having so much on my plate to the point I'm overwhelmed. Now, I'm dying of boredom." I whined.

"What am I supposed to do to entertain you?" Hailey flopped on the couch across from me. "That was my job assigned to me." She rolled her eyes.

"You can help me prank-"

"I'll stop you right there." She sat up straight. "No more petty little pranks, okay. I have to clean them up and it's aggravating. It took two days of oversight to see her room get back to normal." Her eyes narrowed. "No more!" She demanded.

"Buzzkill." I muttered.

I left Hailey to her glaring and grabbed a book. It was a book about the history of the royal vampires. I wiggled my brows at Hailey before flipping through the pages. She attempted to peek at the pages I was reading. For the most part, the book was incredibly boring. It was mainly an ego trip for the royal vamps.

I closed the book and tossed it at Hailey. She fumbled to catch the book. I stood up and began running my finger along the spines of the books. I then began picking books up and chucking them over my shoulder. I heard Hailey get up and zoom to catch the books. She tried to her best ability, but was too slow to catch them all.

"Quit acting like a child!" She yelled.

"Quit being so uptight!" I retorted.

"Hails." We looked at Lara's unimpressed face. "You only had one job." She smirked before walking towards me. "Dinner time." She extended her hand to me. "And Hails... clean this up." I smirked at a fuming Hailey.

Lara held my hand as we walked to the dining hall. I heard Hailey mutter a stream of curse words. Ha! Suck it!


"What a treat... we get to dine with her twice." I looked at Alec's annoyed face.

Lara ignored him and sat at the head of the table. Hailey soon arrived looking annoyed as ever. I gave her an impish grin, causing her to shake her head in frustration. Lara actually allowed me to consume meat, so this was an improvement.

"I never caught your name." Lara tilted her head.

"That's because I never gave it." I began funneling food into my mouth.

"She sure is sassy, sister. You should nip that in the bud."

"As in her bud?" I locked eyes with Alec's flabbergasted face.

Hailey couldn't help, but let a small smile grace her face. Everyone was struggling to hold back their giggles at Alec's expense. I spared a glance at Lara. She didn't say anything and proceeded to drink her glass of blood. She looked at me again and quirked a brow, beckoning for me to answer.

"Umm... Mia." I didn't think it'd be the smartest thing to give her my full name.

"I've never heard you ask a slave her name before." Hailey spoke up.

"Maybe that's because she's not my slave." Everyone's eyes widened at Lara's statement.

"Not surprised." Everyone turned to Taemin. "Based on how lenient the Queen was with her yesterday."

I smiled as I recalled the memory. The moment we got back from sightseeing, Lara led me to the courtyard. She rounded up the guards and had me identify the man who attempted to assault me. Now, why would I make it easy for her?

Because I didn't know their names, Lara would point to a soldier. I was either supposed to shake my head or nod. I messed with her by nodding at several guards. No matter their denial of hurting me, Lara would rip their hearts out. Once they were dead, I'd gasp and say it was the wrong guard. Lara murdered 5 guards before she caught onto my game.

She looked at me and shook her head in amusement. Lara signaled for Lexi and Taemin to clean up the dead bodies. She then dismissed the petrified guards.

"Sister, remember our guests tomorrow." Alec's voice snapped me out of my reverie.

Lara's features hardened momentarily. She then nodded. The rest of the dinner continued with her being silent. The others chatted with each other, but I could see Lara was deep in thought. She's clearly stressed about the guests tomorrow. I wonder who's coming. Lara caught my stare and gave me a genuine smile. I felt my heart speed up at the affectionate gaze.

"Mia, behave tomorrow." She spoke before standing up to leave.

Alec and Hailey followed her out the room. Is dinner over now or something because I could still eat.

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