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I can't believe Lara locked me in my room. I've been trying to pull open the door for the past 10 minutes to no avail. Hailey groaned even louder at my attempts. She was clearly annoyed I wasn't just sitting still.

"Why'd she lock me in my room?!"

"Because you act like a child and deserve to be treated like one." She answered. "Plus, she knows you'll refuse to stay in your room if she asks you to."

"Who's coming today that she doesn't want me to see?" I crossed my arms.

"Her parents." Hailey boredly stated.

"Parents?" My voice wavered. Hailey looked confused at my fear. "Like her dad is still alive?" Hailey realized he was the source of my fear, so she nodded with a smirk. "Tots don't mind staying in here then." I sat next to her.

"She'd protect you against him." Her voice turned serious. "No need to be fearful." She reassured me.

"Is that why you are here? As an extra layer of protection?" I teased, causing Hailey to roll her eyes.

"I'm here because it was just supposed to be her parents." My brows furrowed at her comment. "Now, the entire vampire council is coming." She looked worried at that. Why was she worried? "The council members will want their fill of the slaves here..." Ahh, I got what she's hinting at.

"And the Queen is so selfish that she refuses to share." Hailey loudly laughed at my joke. "Hmm... maybe you can help me." She looked confused why I'd even think she'd help me. "Can you tell me what the Queen is like?"

"Uh, sure." Hailey looked uncomfortable. "She's known to be heartless and cruel. She's her father's greatest accomplishment since she's like the upgraded version of him. When she surpassed his number of kills, he freely stepped down to allow her to rule. She's known to rule with an iron fist and has been successful all these years until..." She averted her eyes from me.

"Until what?!"

"I've already said to much." She moved off the bed. "The less you know, the better." She picked up a book.

"Why does she treat me differently from her other slaves?"

"You'll have to ask her." She sat down in a chair. "And she did say you weren't her slave so..." She opened the book to begin reading.

"That means I'm free to leave then." Hailey dryly chuckled at my statement. "If I can't leave, then I'm a slave here, Hailey."

"Like I said... bring it up with the Queen." She flicked the page. "I'm as baffled about the situation as you are." She mumbled.

Hailey opted to ignore me for the comfort of her book. I rolled my eyes and got off the bed. I walked onto the balcony and rested my arms against the railing. Even in this world, the snow capped peaks are magnificently beautiful. I allowed the cold, crisp air to bite at my skin. I needed something else to affect my senses.

I heard the door open and the scent of food wafted through the air. On a normal day, I'd be hungry, but I wasn't now. I've never felt more desperate. I longed to be back in my world with my wife and daughter. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to have to endure this place. I've been held hostage and gone undercover, but this was the most grueling situation I've ever been. It hurt to not reach out to Lara everytime she was in my vicinity. I desired her cold, comforting hands.

"Do you like horses?" I turned to see Hailey still reading. I simply nodded at her question. "Don't have eyes in the back of my head. I'll need a verbal response."

"Ya." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay." She closed her book and stood up. "Let's take you to the stables. The animal smell will mask your scent."

I nodded since I was desperate to leave the room. Hailey's opened the door and beckoned me to follow her. She led me down a remote hallway and out the palace. The moment we stepped foot outside, Lexi sped up to us. I glanced at Hailey, silently asking why Lexi was here.

"Well, Taemin would've been the original choice, but after what you did... you scarred him." Hailey narrowed her eyes at me. "So we have Lexi joining us." She hooked her arm with Lexi. The two walked arm in arm all the way to the stables.

"Not my fault he has no control and lacks the humor gene." I muttered, but Hailey heard it.

"No, Tamein has great control, but your blood is abnormally sweet. That's why it's so appealing. What was surprising was to find the Queen struggling for control. She never has any issues controlling herself regardless of how appealing the blood smells. Her struggle can only mean one thing." Hailey shared a knowing look with Lexi.

"And explains why she gets away with everything." Lexi stated.

"What do you mean?" I feigned ignorance.

"Don't act like you don't already know, wolf." Lexi spat.

"Well, I think at least one of you is still plotting to kill me." I stared at Lexi.

"Consider it getting even." She laughed.

Lexi became less guarded around me and showed me the proper way to brush a horse. I even got her to laugh sometimes, so win! Hailey also loosened the stick up her ass and began to have fun. I really wanted to go riding, but Hailey kept denying me.

"Worried that I'll take off and Lara will beat your ass?" I challenged her.

"More like I'll track you down and beat your ass." She retorted.

"Last time I checked... I single handedly beat your ass while significantly weakened... and I kicked the best bodyguard's ass." I looked to Lexi, but she merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Whatever." Hailey rolled her eyes and showed me how to braid the horse's mane.

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