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I heard muffled voices, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I was in a room of complete darkness. The only thing to keep me company was Chiara, my wolf. Together, we walked through the endless void, desperate to find anything. I then felt a metallic tasting liquid slide down my throat.

The moment I consumed the liquid, it seemed like my senses had been switched on. The voices became clearer to the point that I could hear 6 voic- no 7 voices. Someone had just entered. There was clearly a commotion going on around me, but I was oblivious to it, other than the excessive shouting. Someone had slammed a door shut which woke me up.

I looked around to see Lexi, Hailey, and Taemin holding Lara back from attacking Alec. Alena had her hand on Alec's chest as she tried to create space between her children. Sophie was terrified, but tried to calm Lara down, but she was beyond any sense of reasoning.

"What you did back there was crazy! You could've jeopardized everything!" Alec shouted at his sister.

"And what?! Watch her die before my eyes?! I already destroyed her before and wasn't willing to do it again!" She yelled back.

"Death would've been the greatest gift you bestowed upon her after she had to endure suffering at your hand." He coldly spoke.

Lara flinched at his words, but didn't retort. She lowered her head in shame and stopped struggling against her friends. Her friends lessened the force they were using, but still kept a firm hold on her. Alec sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He then walked to his sister and motioned for a hug. The friends immediately let her go, so that she could embrace her brother.

Alena looked at me and walked over. I chose not to pretend to be asleep since she knew I was awake. Her hand hovered over my neck before lowering. She then kneeled down to inspect my neck better. She smiled at the result she saw.

"Your blood worked like a charm." Alena snapped everyone's attention to us. "We were concerned her blood wouldn't have any effects since the bond was severed, but it still worked." She stood up. "It could be attributed to the royal blood, though." She walked to the door. "I'll take care of the raucous. You two..." She pointed at Alec and Lara. "Take care of this." She then closed the door and left.


"Nope!" I cut Lara off. "I don't need your sympathy." I jumped off the bed. I soon realized we were in the med bay. "Hailey, please take me back to the dungeons. That is where the slaves reside." Lara flinched at the word.


"Now, Hailey." I demanded.


"Just let her go." Alec spoke up, causing Lara to sigh and nod.

Hailey took me out the room before it could escalate. We were halfway to our destination when a council member stopped us. Hailey placed me behind her and stood her ground.

"His Highness Joaquin, requests her presence in the audience chambers." He smirked.

"I answer to the Queen, not a former king... and less to a lowlife like you." She sneered at him.

"You'll face his wrath if you refuse." He menacingly spoke.

Hailey was about to speak, but I grabbed her arm and shook my head. It wasn't worth it. She sighed and reluctantly nodded at the pompous man. He arrogantly led us to the hall. Inside stood Lara's father (I just found out his name was Joaquin) and some council members. I saw the enraged face of her mother pass us. Something isn't right.

Before Joaquin could open his mouth, Lara flew through the doors. She glared dangerously at everyone present. Everyone, including her father, shuddered and took a step back.

"Leave." She spoke.

"At once, Queen Allura." They attempted to shuffle out the room, but Joaquin stopped them.

"Why is this mutt still around?! She should've been sucked dry at this point! You're wasting her blood for no reason! If you won't have her, then I will!" He moved forward, but Lara flung him into a wall.

"Watch your words, father." She spat. "I won't hesitate to rip your heart out." She threatened him. "She is not to be touched." She then turned to everyone in the room. "If anyone even dares to think about harming her, then your head will be on a metal spike." She eyed everyone in the room again. "Now, leave." They quickly sped out the room, including her father.

"Allura?" Her body stiffened since I've never referred to her with that name before. She slowly turned towards me. "Why do you go by that name and not Lara? You hate your birth name because you consider it old, even though I believe it to be beautiful. It's your grandmother's name and you hate it because you don't want to be compared to someone else! You want your own identity so you go by a different name, Lara!" I don't know why I got so passionate to the point I was yelling.

Lara stood there agape. Her friends were all shocked at the information.

"H-How did you know that?" She quietly asked.

"I know more than I let on." I sniffled.

"T-Take her to the dungeons, Hails." She turned her back.

"And I know that Hailey and your mother Alena are best friends! Hailey followed her to France from Ireland because your father kidnapped her! Sophie's family amassed their wealth from having a multitude of wine vineyards! She had an arranged marriage with Alec and it turned out they were mates! Taemin is gay and his mate is named Nick! His village was wiped out and he was the lone survivor after his adopted father removed him from his mother's womb! Lexi's parents died in the war because they were farmers with no tactical training! She wanted to become the best to avenge their deaths but saw your father's evil ways and forego her mission! She works for you because you promised her no more killing and that she only has to be your bodyguard!"

Lara marched up to me and gripped my throat hard. She slammed me into the wall and stared deep into my soul. She kept opening and closing her mouth, deciding what to say.

"How do you know so much?" She spoke lowly.

"Soulmates are said to transcend space and time... and every reality we are brought back to each other." Tears were in my eye. "I know you." Her eyes widened. "I know you so well. I know you better than yourself." She still looked doubtful.

"Why should I believe you?" She was more questioning herself than me.

"I know you hate being Queen." Her friends gasped at me. "You hate the responsibility and believe Alec would be better suited for the role. You desire freedom to do whatever the hell you want. You're a slave to alcohol. You love it so much and hate having to restrict your intake around people. You're such a flirt... like it's infuriating how flirtatious you can be." I dryly chuckled. "You value consent even though you act like you've raped your harem." Her eyes widened. "You consider consent to be sacred since that choice was stripped from your mother. If a girl said no, then you'd have let her simply sleep. You'd make her tell everyone that she slept with you so as to not create suspicion." She released her hold on me and backed away.

"You love the party. Hell, you're the life of the party. Everyone flocks to you! That was your ideal life style: sex and alcohol. But you gave it up for me because you fell in love with me!" I sped to her and grabbed her face. "And I know another thing that you've kept hidden from your friends here." She raised a brow. "Food makes you weak." I whispered into her ear.

"H-How do-"

"Because I love you, stupid." I then crashed our lips together.

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