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I'm not sure how long I've been on the run, but it's been long enough that I'm in desperate need of a shower. I nearly gag everytime I catch a whiff of myself. I found a lake, so I placed my bag down. I stripped myself bare before jumping in.

This was as close as I'd be getting to an actual bath. As I wiped the dirt from my body, I took notice of my gaunt appearance. I've lost a significant amount of weight after I decided to runaway. I simply rolled my eyes and went back to scrubbing away. I somehow have to find Lara so that we can go home. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to look. All I know is that I'm still in the forest. How big is this damn forest?!

I exited the water and stood nude. I allowed myself to air dry a little before putting on the dirty clothes. I picked up my satchel and continued my journey. My feet and legs were exhausted, but I continued on. I'd stop a few times to use my bow and arrow to shoot some animals. Yep, I was a good shot.

For dinner tonight, I caught some fish. Because I wanted to reduce the chances of the pack finding me, I settled for sushi instead of building a fire to roast the fish. It was getting close to nightfall, so I decided to set up camp.

I climbed up a tree, so I'd have an advantage over the people on the ground. I easily ascended the 50 foot tall tree. I hung my satchel on a nearby branch before leaning my back against the trunk. Lara, where are you? I need and miss you so much. Whenever I'm stressed, your hugs and kisses calm me down. I'm stressed, but don't have you near me.

I groaned in annoyance before leaning my head back. I rested it against the tree and closed my eyes. Hopefully, I can get a couple of hours of rest.


"Ugh!" I heard a voice. "Almost had her."

"Not even close. You were a good 20 feet from her." I heard another voice snicker.

I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight under me. Three people were looking up at me. They were clearly vampires based on their fangs glinting in the moonlight.

"You've awoken her." The girl groaned in annoyance.

"Don't worry, babe." One of the guys slung his arms around her shoulders. "We'll get her."

"Will you two stop being all lovey dovey!" I dodged the rock he pelted at my head. "And help me!" He threw a log, which crashed into the trunk.

"We need to get her so that we can get a lot of money." The girl complained. "And she's hot, so we'll get a ton." She smirked deviously.

"How do we bring her down, babe?"

The girl smirked at me. She then whispered something to the boys. They smirked and nodded. She walked away from her boyfriend, who squatted down. She then dashed towards him. She stepped into his palms. He then pushed her into the air. The girl flew towards me and tackled me out the tree. The other guy jumped up and caught me by my throat. I yelled in pain as I crashed onto the ground. I'm almost positive I've broken something.

"Oh my God! She smells so good." The guy on top of me opened his mouth, ready to strike.

"Stop! We'll get a ton of money and then we can get drunk on blood!" The girl pushed him off.

The guy shook his head, but reluctantly nodded. He stayed far away from me as the couple broke my bones so that I couldn't escape. They then carried me and brought me to a building. They smirked deviously when the door was opened.

"What?" A harsh voice demanded.

"We bring a valuable prize." Their smirks deepened.

The bouncer grinned down at me. He motioned for them to carry me inside. I was brought to a room filled with other victims. This place feels like an auction house. I thought Mateo and Gianni said I had to be judged by Alec first.

One of the owners, I assume, walked up to the three vampires. They began negotiating my price. The owner kept looking at me with lust filled eyes. His tongue continually licked his lip as he eyed me with want. He ended up paying the vampires whatever they demanded. Other workers bound and gagged me.

The man walked over to me and knelt down to sniff me. He literally moaned as his nose nestled against my skin.

"Ahhh, your smell is delectable. I'm going to make a lot of money off you." He licked me before standing up.

My bones were still broken, so I couldn't move. Why can't I heal faster?! Stupid legs! I took a moment to observe my surroundings. This place didn't look as expensive as I'd imagine an auction house to look. That's when I realized that I was probably in an underground auction house. The three vampires must've illegally sold me. They wouldn't get money by bringing me to be judged, so they decided to illegally sell me.

People were dragged by their chains through a door. I knew it was only a matter of time until I was taken. And, my time quickly came. I was dragged through the door. I held in a whimper since I was in pain from my broken bones!

I was dropped onto a stage. I saw sleazy vampires eyeing me with interest. Many of them were licking their lips. Some were eye raping me while others were struggling to maintain their control. This definitely wasn't good. Wasn't good. Definitely not ideal. But, I'll think of something.

"Here we have an indescribable scent." The disgusting owner, who licked my face, stated. "Who's the lucky bidder?!" He riled up the crowd.

I confirmed my theory about this place not being the primary auction house. If it was the primary auction house, then I was EXTREMELY offended. How dare someone only offer $250 for me. Not $250K, but $250. Excuse me?! Who the hell do you think you are?! I'm worth sooo much more! Thankfully, other members of the crowd thought so as well.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" I turned to see Taemin storm through the door. "ARREST EVERYONE!" Well, it looked like Taemin just busted an illegal auction ring. "Take all the slaves to the manor!" Wait, what?!

A burly man picked me up with ease. He flung me onto his shoulder and began to leave. I tried hitting him with my tied hands and kicking him, but it proved futile. I tried to catch Taemin's gaze, but he was focused on rounding up the auctioneer and the participants.

When we got outside, I saw the three vampires smirking. Those assholes sold me to get money and then ratted out the auction house for money. They truly are despicable.

My "escort" flung me into a black van. I landed with a thud and rolled into the wall. Couldn't they be a little more gentle? Like would it really hurt?

I rolled out the way of more people crashing next to me. When the van was filled up, they closed the door. The driver then floored the car, causing all of us to knock into each other. I think the driver's goal was to knock us out based on how he was driving.

I decided to close my eyes to get some rest (really hard with people crashing into you) because I had a hunch things were about to become a bit more complicated when we reached our destination.

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