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I woke up hella sore. I'm pretty sure I had a crick in my neck. I tried to use my hand to crack my neck, but my hands were bound. I also realized I had a ball gag in my mouth. My eyes widened in shock at the unexpected surprise. I lifted my hands up to remove the gag from my head, but it was tightly bound. Ugh! I heard low chuckles behind me.

I turned to the voice. My breath hitched as I took in Lara's appearance. She was wearing a black, skintight dress. Her low v-cut was extremely distracting since you could see the sides of her gorgeous breasts. I looked into her eyes when I heard another chuckle. She really looked like the quintessential vampire seductress.

She tilted her head to the side as she observed me. There was a wine glass filled with a red liquid too thick to be wine. She brought the glass to her lips as she eyed me with interest. The intensity of her gaze caused me to involuntarily shudder.

I could tell she was feeling the mate bond, but doing her best to suppress it. I thought about bringing it up, but I thought being bound with a ball gag in my mouth was the most inopportune time. She averted her eyes and motioned for someone to come closer.

I recognized the person to be Hailey. Of course, it would be Hailey. She made a lazy motion at Hailey. Hailey responded by calling for Lexi. Lexi came, but not the Lexi I had known and loved. This Lexi had a sense of coldness behind her eyes. She tugged me up and dragged me out the room. Hailey walked ahead of us. Before the door closed, I snuck a final glance at Lara. She was eyeing my every movement.

We walked down the hall ... well, I was dragged down the hall. Hailey opened the door to a quaint room. Lexi shoved me inside before standing guard at the door.

"I'll be washing you." Hailey announced as she pushed open the bathroom. "And don't you dare retort." Her eyes narrowed at me.

I was redder than a tomato as I allowed Hailey to wash me. And she washed everything. She began ringing out the sponge while I had a towel wrapped around my form.

"So..." Hailey's eyes narrowed at me. "Never mind." I muttered.

"Rule one, do not speak unless spoken to." She tossed me some clothes. "And second, obey the Queen if you have a will to live." She walked out the bathroom.

I got dressed and exited the bathroom. I looked around the simple room. I mean it was extravagant, but not as extravagant as the other rooms. I tried opening the door, but wasn't surprised to find it locked. I flopped onto the bed and closed my eyes. What to do? What to do?

I remember my first time here. I had been incredibly bored, but I at least had the others to keep me company. Now, the others were treating me like a prisoner. I can't believe this was the reality if my grandfather failed the revolution.

Despite my stomach growling, I willed myself to sleep. Hopefully, sleep will help pass the boredom.


I groaned at the light shining in my eyes. I used my fists to rub my closed eyes. I yawned as I sat up. My eyes were still closed when I heard a voice.

"You intrigue me." I turned to see Lara watching me with a curious expression. "You get captured, sold, brought to my manor... yet, you are able to peacefully sleep. Quite the phenomenon." She crossed her arms as she tilted her head to the side.

"Well, it's not like I can just up and leave. Might as well make myself comfortable-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence. Lara had her hand wrapped around my already collared throat. She slammed me into the wall. I winced as she brought her face close to me. Her face was filled with rage.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" Her French accent was deep. Even though she was predatory and dangerous, her authoritative side was hot as hell. I quickly shook my head no. She sighed before tossing me to the other side of the room. "Has no one taught you manners, child?" She picked me up by the throat again. "You speak when spoken to." Her eyes narrowed.

"Sorry, it was a little confusing when I can and cannot speak." I stated through gritted teeth.

"Do I sense sarcasm?" Her voice dropped.

"You're sensing whatever the hell you-"

I stiffened when Lara shot her hand through my chest. I felt her hand securely wrapped around my heart. My breath hitched everytime she'd lightly squeeze my heart. Her face held amusement as she watched my facial expression.

"This should remind you of who's in control." She purred. "You are fascinating." She gazed at my exposed shoulder. "And your smell is quite tempting." She nuzzled her nose into my neck. "Almost intoxicating." I nearly moaned at the feeling her mumbles caused against my skin. "And that is your entire worth." She moved her face away to lock eyes with me. "You're only kept alive as long as I decide to age your blood." I fell to the ground when she pulled her hand out my chest. "Know your place, pet."

I dropped onto the floor and looked up at her. She sensually ran her tongue along her hand, licking the blood clean. I was too paralyzed to make a sarcastic remark. She then smirked and left me alone.

My breathing was erratic as I waited for the wound to close. I couldn't access my wolf side to help speed up the process since I had this damn collar around my throat! The pain was almost unbearable. The only reason I stayed awake was out of fear that Lara would return. Who the hell shat in her cereal this morning? Why was she such a raging bitch?!

I crawled over to the bed. I struggled to get onto it, so I just settled with the floor. Yep, floor was comfy. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to succumb to the unconscious.

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