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I was attempting to use my espionage training. I cautiously advanced through the hall, hiding whenever someone passed. Lara, on the other hand, brazenly walked through the halls. Whenever someone would spot her, she'd rip their heads off. She wasn't going for subtle anymore. The only reason she didn't rip their hearts out was because she didn't want to dirty up her hand.

I ripped open the metal door and descended the stairs. Lara was close on my heel the entire time. We were over 20 stories up, when she picked me up. I was about to ask what she was doing, but she jumped over the railing. Lara, somehow, landed without even the softest thud. She placed me down and opened the door for me. I looked at her in shock, resulting in her giggling. She could've done that on so many other missions!

The atmosphere down here was different. It was colder and insufferable. Lara placed a hand on my lower back when I shuddered. I gave her a firm nod and walked inside. Lara was close behind me, eyes constantly darting around the room.

We walked past vertical containers filled with water. Subjects had oxygen masks over their face as they were suspended underwater. All had their eyes closed. I shivered once I realized my child has been suffering this cruel fate.

Lara and I walked along the rows and rows of containers. Where's Ze-

"Amelia." Lara firmly clutched my wrist.

I looked at her, but her eyes were staring ahead. I turned and my eyes widened as well. In front of us, suspended in water, was our daughter. We couldn't make out her features since the cloudy water distorted her. Even though I couldn't properly see her, her scent was recognizable. It was impossible to mistake the scent of wolf and vampire. Also, I felt drawn to her.

I wanted to break the glass, but Lara held me back. She raced around the container and ran her eyes over the different tubes and wires. She then began pressing buttons before telling me to smash the glass. She didn't need to tell me twice. I punched my fist through the glass. It shattered, splashing Lara and I with water.

Our daughter fell through the opening, but Lara was there to catch her. I pulled off the mask as Lara laid her down. Zena's eyes opened and she began wheezing for air. Lara held her down as she began thrashing around. She also looked incredibly fearful. Her face began turning blue, so I pinched her nose and began giving her CPR.

Lara released Zena. She then bit into her wrist and forced Zena to drink her blood. Zena's lips attached to Lara's hand and began drinking her dry. Lara groaned and became weaker the more Zena drank. I was able to pry Zena's lips from Lara's hand. Lara fell onto the floor while Zena shoved me across the room.

She then stumbled up and fell into a few containers. The containers collapsed, freeing the hostages. She then ran like a deer learning to walk.

I got up to follow her, but vampires started filing into the room. I couldn't allow them to catch my daughter, so I stood up and started fighting them off. Lara tried to get up, but she was a bit weak.

I turned my head to see Zena scream out in pain. She fell onto all fours and began transitioning into her beautiful, light brown wolf. She howled before barreling into other containers, breaking the glass. She then smashed through the door and ran away.

"Mila!" Lara was at my side to rip the gun from my attacker's hand.

She then ripped his heart out and threw him at the other vampires. She then picked me up and zoomed me out the room. She placed me down on the snowy landscape.

"Where is she?! We have to find her!" I shook Lara.

"I'm trying to pick up her scent, but the wind is dispersing it." She was frustrated.

Our friends arrived at the meeting spot. Apparently, we were a minute late, so Alec was planning an assault strategy. We told them what happened. The wolves changed into their wolf form and ran after her scent. Alec, Lexi, and Taemin decided to free the other captives inside. Hailey was the one left with us.

"The question is where is she going." Lara muttered.

"I don't know. Somewhere familiar? Maybe a safe place?" Hailey spewed out ideas.

"Lara." I grabbed her attention, but she was already looking at me.

"The cabin." We simultaneously said.

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