Chapter 26

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I looked at the pills in my hand and the report that Demyan had left behind. I struggled to believe that I had got pregnant.

The only thing I had learned from my last experience was to take my meds every day at the same time. There was no way that I could miss even a pill. In the last three months, I had never got ill and above all; I had no symptoms of pregnancy. There was nothing, not even the slightest inclination, and I haven't yet missed a period and I still had three days for my monthly cycle to start.

Picking up both the things I decided to visit the hospital after all. I had an old friend there who would help me out in solving out this mystery.

A doctor had come and checked my arm wound. He was food old man who had changed my dressing and given me some meds to take for a while.

I walked up to my car as guards surrounded the place as if it was a castle which it wasn't. It was not much compared to what Demyan already had.

"Let's go together," I heard behind me. Turning around, I found it was Zach.

"Don't you have someone else to follow around or beg someone for forgiveness like Natalia?" I questioned and all he did was smile.

"Well, I have got boss's order to follow you around and I will take a raincheck on begging," he told me. I just rolled my eyes at him and opened my car.

"Would you drive the car too?" I tried my luck, and he just gave me nothing but a blank face. Yeah, he wasn't going to do that. Unlocking the car, I got in waiting for him. Sadly, he took his sweet time making me late. I decided to hold my tongue.

The whole journey to the hospital was a silent one. He was busy on his phone and I had my eyes on the road. Not a pleasant journey it was. He had escorted me until I was inside the doctor's room.

"You are really not in for the girl talk, Zach. Because it's going to be about blood, hormones, and other things. Until you want to hear talk about my vagina, you should stay here." I had told him when he had thought that he should go inside with the doctor with me. He had stared at me for a bit too long and I just decided not to make a scene waiting for his reply. Only when it was clear, I went in.

What a day I was having? I sighed.

"Valencia!" I heard the surprise in her tone. A good old friend of mine who had actually become a doctor. Hard to believe, but she had done it on her own. The last I had met was before I had started dating Alexandro basically because she had told me that she really didn't want me to be with that guy. Sadly, I hadn't heard her, and she had already gone out of state for studying.

"Sarah!" she was smiling as she stood up from her chair.

"I had no idea it was you when I had seen your name in my appointment list," she told me as I hugged her.

"I know it has been many years," I added as we both settled down on the opposites side.

"I won't lie, but I had gone to your home and Nana had told me that you weren't here. Your sister-in-law told me that you had run away and god Alexandro was married to someone called Claire. The welcome wasn't really pleasant, and I don't think anyone knew where you were. Nana would have really told me if she knew." I sighed at hearing the story of my life. It was a fucking sad story.

"Some things really did take a bad turn for me, but now I'm really good. No point in talking about the past that is of no use." I didn't want to talk about what had happened. It only happened to flare my anger. I wasn't in the mood for it right now. There was a more pressing matter right now.

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