Chapter 52

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Viktor. Cillian. Demyan. Zach. Sophia. Natalia

If only these people didn't come into my life, I was sure life could have been pretty amazing. I wouldn't have minded the heartbreak from Alexandro I think I might have survived everything else but this bullshit I was living in was just driving me crazy to the point that I wanted to kill all of these people and be done away with.

I took another deep breath as I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. My skin was raw from the hot water, scratching the filthy blood off me. Elijah was dead and done with. I had no idea what was going on outside no one had come to my room but I had heard Zach barking orders. He hadn't bothered to check up on me. Actually, no one had which meant one of two things. Either they knew I was dangerous or that they knew nothing and Natalia had kept her mouth shut till yet. I had put all I have known about all these people together ever since I woke up. Put all of them together. Weighed my importance in their lives and had only come to one conclusion that I didn't matter to any of them.

I was more like a pawn on a chess board. I was nowhere near being the king and queen. There was no denying the fact that I was being used by everyone for their own mandate and that included my half-brother and sweet husband.

"Let me in," the voice had my attention. It came from the other side of the door. Getting off the bed I sat up waiting for whoever it was to come. It was a feminine voice so either it could be Sophia or Natalia. I would like to go with the latter one.

"Your husband has ordered for no one to enter," a male voice replied. This was Natalia for sure because Sophia wasn't married yet. Oh, so that meant Zach was up to something for sure.

"Well, he is connected to the family because he is my husband. I and my brother's authority is going to be the final one, not my husband's. Get aside," someone was being really bossy. I heard the rattle of the key, the punching of a code, and the click of the lock opening. A very bossy Natalia entered the room and I smiled at her. She locked the door behind her and pulled out a gun from behind her back.

"Do you think you can shoot and kill me?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Her eyes snapped to mine and after taking a deep breath she put the gun on the table beside the door.

"I won't lie to you," she spoke walking toward me. "I'm too scared to do that," I laughed at her words.

"You have had a lot of time to think about it. It's almost evening. More than twenty hours have passed since you saw who I really am," I stood up making her take a step back in fear. She was scared to stand her ground too. I could see the fear in her eyes. "Don't worry your time hasn't come," I added.

"What have you come here for?" I asked moving past her to where she had kept the gun. Picking it up I checked it out. The safety was on.

"I need to know about Zach's involvement with you," her words had me looking at her confused.

"I'm sorry," I paused. "What kind of his involvement with me? I have nothing to do with your husband." What was she talking about?

"The day you came here, you told us that Zach had told you how we were using you. Right?"

"Yes," I replied

"That means he was trying to betray us from the start. So he is not standing with me and my brother which leaves him standing with someone else. You and I both know that there are only two parties here one is Demyan and the other is Viktor," she paused.

"You are Viktor's side for sure so only you could tell me what's going on," she pleaded and it looked good on her. the desperation and pain in her eyes was what I wanted to see.

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