Chapter 32

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Four months later

I looked at myself in the mirror of the small bathroom in the back of the grocery shop.

Lost was the long hair that I had loved and the beautiful green eyes turned brown under the lenses. I was no longer the girl I once was.

She was as good as dead.

The short hair that hardly reached my shoulders was now dyed in faded pink. I have had two or three piercings in my ears and one in my nose. Lost was the woman that had once been called Valencia. Now I was just Trixie short for Trisha Banks from some small town in Kentucky. The sad girl that had been knocked up by some man and left alone to fend for herself.

That was who I was now.


"Trixie, you coming out of there any soon!" yelled my manager from outside the door.

"Coming boss!" I couldn't have more than five minutes alone in the bathroom.

"They are customers lining up. I fucking don't pay you for such damn long breaks." Sometimes I wanted to bash the head of this old-aged man with a fucking baseball bat. He had a mouth which I really hated.

Opening up the door I saw the same scowling face. There was hardly a line just two people but who would make the old man understand. It wasn't like he was paying me much and most of it was from under the table. I was just glad that I had this job.

An old lady buying a pack of cigarettes and another guy who just came for some snacks. See not much for a fucking line.

The old man went back to the back god knows doing what and I just didn't care. It was just another hour and I would be returning back home.

Time passed and another set of customers came and went. I bid the old grumpy owner of the shop a goodbye getting out of the shop and breathing a sigh of relief. The streets were filled with all types of crowd even late at night. I did a double-check every time I walked out on the streets and entering my building. Who knew the man standing behind me could be anyone either my father or Demyan's men?

I was always on high alert and the only way I could live. The people were moving all around me with streets crowded putting me a little at ease.

This whole place was foreign to me. It wasn't anything like Vermont where my home was or like New York. This place was fucking shit and really not safe but I knew the safer place I was in the harder it was to get to stay there. I had paid someone to make a fake id and a fake driving license.

Never in the past three months, I had done anything to be caught. Living in the Wynwood of Miami felt to be the safest place because it was small and filled with people and Downtown was just a street away. It was how I survived now. I didn't gain any attention here. Here everyone was the same or in a better place than me. I worked as much as I could before I started showing much off.

Sienna had left a lot of cash in the car. More than I could think of. I could have got a whole mansion for it and still lived all fine but I didn't do any of that.

In the past few days, I knew well off that how important the money was and I was just bidding my time in hiding before the baby came. I knew people might have been looking for me and I didn't want to be aught by anyone. Either it is Demyan's man or my father's. I was better off without in any of their captivity.

In the starting, I had resented the child. I was at my worst trying to make sense of how Demyan had used me and it was eating me away. Those smiles, those kisses, touches, gifts, and words were nothing but lies. All lies and it hurt deep inside that I had been hurt like that. Natalia had shown me what friends were like in the end even that was all a lie. Everything was a lie, an illusion that I didn't want to get out of but the small room and the smell of the cigarettes made me remind that it was all the truth. However, in the end, neither this child nor was I going to survive. All that was left was the revenge of a man and the mistake of others.

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