Chapter 6

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There wasn't any hustle bustle in the house anymore in the morning. I would say that this morning had happened to be the most silent and soothing one. Even no one showed up for the breakfast in the dining room. Our poor Hilda slept with Claire in his room while Alexandro took the guest room. One bitch down and one more to go. After the last night, I knew Karl won't do a thing to help Hilda and Claire. With his support gone forever, they were never going to be the same. Now the only supporters they had left were Alexandro and the woman I called my mother, though out of these Alexandro was the main one. However, they didn't bother me that much but Hilda's and Claire's support for each other did. They were the wicked sisters and I need to break them, to turn them on each other.

Hilda was never going to do it but I think Claire would with the right initiative. Claire was the one who led to all of this. She was the nail in my coffin, the last push. Things took a new turn ever since she entered in my life. My desire to take revenge from her was too personal, that it even exceeded the level of being personal. She had been the hell raiser in my life. Hilda might have been the mind but it was through her hands. She came into my life to destroy. She shook and weakened the pillars of love between me and Alexandro while Hilda killed the love my family had for me. The two bitches needed to be turned onto each other.

The incessant buzzing of my phone dragged me out of my train of thoughts. Natalia flashed over the screen making me frown. why would Natalia be calling me or was it him? Rather than dwelling more into the thoughts of who it was I picked up the phone.

"Thank god, you picked up the phone!" Well, it was Natalia but from her voice, she seemed to be worried and in a hurry and it wasn't good. That girl gave her middle finger to problems.

"Okay, Hello by the way,"

"Hell, with hello's Valencia. Where the hell are you?" She demanded. Her Russian blood really needed to cool down because her tone was I could gather up either she was in trouble or angry. I would go with the latter one.

"Umm, I'm just finishing some unfinished business." It was better to be cool and calm right now.

"Where are you Valencia and give me a good answer this time!" I had to pull away the phone from my ear because I was scared that my ear drum might burst out. Something really wasn't right with her.

"I'm back home, Natalia. Could you please lower your vocals a bit, my ears might bleed."

"Home, you are back home. Why? You said you would never go back there. Shit, you didn't" she paused and I could hear her heavy breathing from the other side.

"You have gone back there to destroy those filthy pigs who I think are nothing more than dog shit." I had told her the sad story of my life on a very drunk day when we were abroad on one of our modelling assignments.

"Natalia, why did you call me. I really hope it wasn't just for shouting at me or know where I was." I know she cared for me but we never asked each where we were. We both needed our space and basically, she always needed more for it.

"Demyan is looking for you Valencia. He just came back from Russia and now he is breathing fire down my neck just so he could know where you are. Damn girl, you just had to turn off your other phone. I can't handle my brother Valencia and you know it very well. He is on the verge of sending his bloody muscle dogs in search of you. He freaking came to my house in the middle of the night demanding me where are you and had camped in my house for two freaking days. Two freaking days! Do you know what that means? No alcohol for me, no boys and no to even going out and partying and clubbing are just out of the question." Trouble flashed in my mind, no scratch that it wasn't just trouble. It was a fucking disaster. Demyan, his grey piercing my soul flashed in my mind. It really didn't occur to me that he would be back so soon.He promised to give me time, to give me my space but now this. If he got a hint of where I was then he would be here with his security, which Natalia loved to call them his muscle dogs, as soon as his jet could fly. I really didn't want Demyan coming here, he would not let me do anything. Even I myself would lose my resolve to cause destruction and take my vengeance.

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