Chapter 47

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"We don't have time," Cillian told me as I stared at him with shock. There was no emotion in his eyes as he was unfazed by what was happening.

"What are you doing here?" I overcame my shock As I asked him. I knew one thing in all this blunder that was happening around me that I could rely on myself only.

"Viktor is going to be here tonight," he informed me as he took out my knife from his jacket. His hand went again into the pocket this time to take out my gun.

"You will need this," his words were short and to the point.

"I think you should leave now," he turned towards Oligarch. "You wouldn't like to be a part of this mayhem. The plans have changed," he added. However, he still stood there as if he had no desire to move.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" he asked him to which Oligarch nodded. A guard came in with a travel bag, handing it over to Cillian he left.

"Leave right now if you don't want to die because if you stay I won't take guarantee for your life," he remarked as he turned towards me putting out my weapons to take.

"I will leave then," he replied and without a word said he just left. I guess she was afraid for his life too and so were those guards behind him. Cillian waited until he was gone, and the door was locked. He went to check for it. He was always cautious about everything.

"You would need to change," he kept the bag on the bed and opened it. I wasn't expecting a party gown to come out of it.

Taking out a gown and a makeup kit he left them out for me. He once again dug inside the bag and got out a set of blades, a pair of guns, and a few small bottles that I didn't know of.

"You might have too many questions for me and I would answer them but right now is not the time," I didn't want to believe a word that he had to say but I could feel the heaviness of the situation. He busied himself checking his toys.

"Does Viktor know that you are my brother? Wait does he even know that you are alive?" My question brought his movements to a halt. Closing his eyes, he breathed out a heavy sigh.

"I will give you an answer only this once because we are short on time and I need to be downstairs when Viktor makes his grand entry. So, quench your thirst for answers for a while and be sated with what I'm giving you," his reply came.

"He doesn't know who I'm neither that I'm even alive. He was nineteen when he strangled someone else and asked me to hide the body thinking that it was me. No more questions," he didn't wait for me to say anything as he moved towards the bathroom door. Signaling for me to change.

How could he expect me to not have any questions after this? Like how?

Did that mean Ivan had hidden his identity? Was what Oligarch saying held a bit of truth?

"Valencia, turn off every emotion in your body and soul. Think about how everyone had used you, how you were dragged into this mess. Bring out the same hatred you had used to kill our father because you would need it in for the days to come," those were the words along the same lines he had told me when I had gone to kill Ivan. I had to kill Ivan, my biological father, and I had done that ruthlessly.

"Just think about the worst deeds they had done. How they had ruined your life because when you have to make the decision you would need it," he added.

Questions bombarded my mind to which I had no answers too. I looked at Cillian without any other words and walked towards the bathroom carrying the gown and makeup kit.

"Style your hair in a bun," he added as I went to close the door.

"Which kind?" I asked and he just looked at me as if I had asked him for a kidney.

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