Chapter 55

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I couldn't breathe.

Valencia wasn't lying and I was a fool who never get to see the true colors of those around me. Zack, I had always thought him to be the closest to me. He had been the one trying to kill me.

What a fucked up situation this was? Zack tried to warn me about Valencia but he was a fucking rat himself. No one tried to warn me of him. The man I had trusted for so long. Everything was a fucking lie.

Was his love for my sister also a lie? Was there marriage also a lie for him? Why did he do all this? All the lies and deceptions for what? That asshole really did stab me in the back all because I believed in him too much. I raised the snake he was and what good was it doing to me? Questions bombarded my mind.

He had tried to fuck me up. Was this his game plan always?


I wanted to shout and scream but all I could do was just stand there and not let my emotions show on my face.

"Did she hurt you?" I asked her as calmly as I could. Everything seemed to be out of control. Valencia was now in the same lead as me. I had thought that I could betray her but it had been that had been betrayed.

I wanted to laugh at the irony. All the scheming and everything was wasted. She always had the upper hand and still did even after so many years.

"No but she warned me against telling you," she replied looking ahead. There was a swarm of people ahead of us but yet we couldn't trust anyone of them any longer. I was on my own but I had to know who was on my side and who was on others. Yet I had to go by the rule of keeping my enemies closer than my friends.

"He," Natalia paused in surprise. I looked at her line of vision.


"The man near the tree where our uncle is," she said with her eyes set on him. He was surely a new face I had no idea about. Yet the guy seemed familiar. Leaning against a tree with a bored look in his eyes he looked at someone. At first glance, it seemed nothing out of the normal but there was something wrong with the way he stood there. I couldn't point out why. The more I looked at him I felt unease. His eyes were set on Sophia and an old woman who had come in front of me to console her. It felt like they were mother-daughter by how close they were.

"What about him?" I asked looking away from him at my sister.

"He was the one who had saved you. Do you not know him?" My eyes turned once again towards him but he was no longer there.

"Where did he go?" I asked my sister as I tried to find the swarm of people ahead of us. He was just right there.

"I don't know but I swear he disappeared like a ghost," her eyes moved frantically trying to find him. She had even tried to rush forward to look for him but I had just held her arm stopping her.

"We have a lot of people around, Natalia," she looked at me trying to calm down. There was fear in those eyes.

"And yet we aren't safe in our own house," the tone she spoke in sent shivers down my body. I could see that she was scared but more than that she was desperate.

"I married a man who wants to kill my brother while along he had pretended to be his right-hand man. I have a child with him and there is nothing more I can be worried about than my child. Try to see it through my eyes and I bet you would be scared too," she whisper yelled looking right into my eyes. She took a step closer to me.

"I saw her kill him, she carved her skin, cut out his tongue and his eyeball rolled out right towards me. She didn't even bat an eyelash at me as she walked out of the room warning me not to tell anyone. I was helping her to look for her child thinking she was weak but she is no longer innocent. She is more dangerous than even you or anyone else I know. She is crazy and I'm scared to be her target." I had to be the one to look away from her. She was scared and there was nothing I could do. A confident woman like her had broken down. This was no longer manipulation and trying to get something you want.

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