Chapter 31

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I looked at his retreating back of his with nothing but teary eyes. Whom should I believe?

I heard another gunshot go off and with a last glance I made up my mind. Turning around I just ran towards the servant's quarter.

Deep inside of me, I believed what all was being said. The reality was crashing all my dreams but it didn't matter because I had to run. As far as from this place and try to put all the puzzle pieces together.

Looking everywhere I found a car hidden in a corner covered. Ripping the cover away I got down on my knees to get the keys. They were where they were said to be. I looked behind me for the one last time looking at the place that I called home. Putting the key in the car I roared the engine to life. The car didn't make much noise. Putting the letter in the dashboard to keep it safe. I moved out of the compound and out on the road.

I didn't realize that I was crying all I felt was the wetness on my cheeks. The only thing I needed to know was that I had to get far away from this place and people. I had nothing on me. No phone and no jewelry even no identity.

I took a road and drove and drove until I was far away from the place and people that were once my home.

5 hours later

I didn't know where I was but I was in some parking,. No directions I had. All I saw was the parking and stopped.

The time had passed in a haze but there was not much that I could remember with the bombarding questions in my mind. It was running and at the same time, I felt it wasn't. Lost was I was in my own world and it was only when the car indicated that I was running out of gas I had stopped. My tears had stopped but the car hadn't.

I didn't what to do because I hell of didn't have any money on me. Walking out of there without anything I didn't have any fucking idea how I was going to survive.

What the fuck I was going to do?

The letter.

I remembered and without hesitation, I took it out of the dashboard.

Opening it open I took out the letter. It was handwritten by Sienna.


Run as far as you can. Don't think of ever coming back to here even if it's our death you hear about.

Don't look back and come for us.

I beg of you to never step foot in this town again because if you did he would catch you. Your real father is looking for you high and low and everywhere.

I know you have nothing to believe in me for and it is right of you but please believe the words of this letter.

I had made too many mistakes in my life but I never considered you to be a mistake. Your real father, Ivan Nicholai Petruska, had been nothing but a spur of the moment that had never haunted me back until these past years. He has been looking for you for the last four years.

The first time I had pushed you out of the house because he had called me and told me he was coming for you. I was panicked and scared because when he had told me his name. I knew who he was. A man that everyone was scared of even back then. What were the odds that I ended up in his bed?

No one told me that monsters looked human too.

He won't mercy on you. All he sees you as a breeding vessel.

What I had with him was a passing moment with him and I was almost scared to even then. Hearing his voice so many years later can't even begin with the fear I had felt. That is why I made you leave. I knew it was wrong but it was the only best option I had ever had and it was something I would never regret.

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