Chapter 62

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I stared at the monitors in front of me. Switching between the cameras from one to another, I was busy keeping a keen eye on every place on the property.

I had my doubts and they ran deep ever since I realized that Cillian was not at the beck and call of Viktor. If he could act loyal and change sides then there would be enough men who could do that. What if Viktor had left spies on this house reporting to him at each and every moment? Was he waiting for me to strike or waiting for the right time to strike? I didn't know.

Cillian was not picking up the phone and my last conversation with him had been three days back when I was cuffed in Viktor's room. Three days have gone by and I was still waiting for the attack to happen and it not happening was ticking me off. The thought of Cillian being dead had crossed my mind numerous times, yet I couldn't do anything even if he was. Dimitrio, had assured me on another hand that Cillian would never end up as a casualty, he had high faith there.

I clicked on another screen and found nothing fishy happening anywhere. Demyan's property was vast and too many cameras were just pissing me off.

"Anything?" Demyna asked putting to halt to him pacing his office. Either he was sitting and or pacing and it was slowly ticking me off the latter one especially. He had no trust in me I could see this in his eyes since that night. Those photos had fucked up with his mind and I could see in his eyes that he had a lot to say but was holding back.

"Nothing, " I gave a quick reply with my eyes staring at the screen because the other option was to look at him and it wasn't an appealing one.

"Then what are you looking at?" I could hear the annoyance in his voice and if it wasn't for the help I needed from him I would have attacked him only with one of us coming out of it alive. I closed my eyes shut and took in deep breaths, this was not the time for me to lose my shit.

"The points where he could attack from," before he could open his mouth to say more I gestured him not to with my hand. "And also the fact that how he got in and out without any of the cameras spotting him." I found it weird because it almost felt like he knew the blueprint of the house with camera timings like the back of his hand. As if he was the one controlling anything.

When only silence greeted me rather than another annoying question, I looked up at Demyan who was just busy staring at me.

"Where is our child?" he asked with a vulnerability in his voice that had me looking into his eyes and it was nothing less than a mistake because I could see the desperation in those eyes.

"I don't know," I told him the truth. Her whereabouts were not known to me but one person knew them.

"Don't lie to me," he banged his hands on the table with rage taking over him. "You know where she is and you have met her but you just don't want to tell me. We both know that you are putting her at risk by not letting me know. I swear if something happens to her," I stood up immediately pulling him by the collar of his shirt.

"Now you suddenly care about your child? Where were you back then when I had gone missing> where was this worry when you had planned of killing me and sending our child to god knows where. You wanted our child to suffer, Demyan and I would never forget you for that," I let go of him with a jerk. I wanted to do more damage but I controlled myself.

He could be mad at me but nothing changed the past. "I thought you were dead."

"And that excuse is getting old. If you cared enough you would have burned the whole world down to get to me. You should have killed for me but I don't see any blood on your hands because of that," I snapped at him.

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