Chapter 51

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My eyes fluttered open as I heard voices over my head. Someone was talking on the phone.

"Mama," the small voice called to me and my head turned to look at my baby boy looking at me giving a smile that was worth everything.

"I will talk to you later," I turned slowly and saw Zach coming into the room. I looked at the phone in his hand which he was quickly shoving into his pockets.

"You scared me, Natalie," he spoke coming toward me and I felt a deep fear inside of me. I don't know why it was that but somehow, he no longer seemed to be a safe place right now.

"I'm sorry," I apologized for something I didn't know. "What happened?" I asked trying to remember what all had occurred.

"You fainted; that's what the doctor thinks. They found you in the middle of the room passed out. I can't tell you how scared I was," he told me holding my hand and as I looked closely at his face, I realized that there were bruises on his face. Why didn't I notice it earlier? My fingers reached out to touch him and he held out my hand midway.

"I'm still a little sore," he explained.

"What happened?" I sat up with my hand still in his. My little boy moved towards me as I moved my hand through his head.

"Viktor showed up and everything after that was a mess," I remember Viktor coming into the party and then everything running into chaos as Demyan and he held out guns at each other's heads.

"How is Demyan?" I asked letting go of his hand. There was this discomfort inside of me at the thought of my brother. As if something bad had happened to him.

"He is wounded but he's going to be alright," I could hear the anger in his voice. I breathed a sigh of relief at his word. My brother was alright.

"Why did Viktor come here?" I asked looking at my son. I wanted to turn to Zach but I just couldn't look at him. There was something very wrong with me right now. My heart beat picked up the pace as if I was in a certain kind of danger but the danger was gone right. I was here with Zach.

"I don't know but," he paused and silence was all that was left in the room. I turned my head toward him and saw the unshed tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" I was scared seeing him so weak in front of him. I had never seen him like this. He had never seemed to be this week.

"Dad was...... murdered .....last night," his lips trembled as he spoke those words out. Elijah was murdered last night. Elijah was murdered. Someone had killed him. Tore him apart like an animal.

The images from last night started to flash in a series in front of my eyes. Valencia killing Elijah. Her warning me not to say anything. Me looking at what she had done. She had killed Elijah ripped him apart, she had mauled him like an animal. I was running to warn Demyan about it. I remembered the panic when I saw him losing a fight against three people continuously attacking him. Zach coming to help Demyan.

My eyes stared at Zach in front of me who was weeping for his father. He was weeping for his father but he had stabbed my brother. He had tried to kill him. Stabbed him in the back like a traitor.

"Someone had murdered him and that too horribly. I would kill whoever had done to this him. I would take revenge for my father's death. I would tear apart whoever it was. Even if it was Viktor. I will do it with bare hands," he laid his head over our joined hands and I let him be.

If it wasn't for that other person who had beaten Zach up my brother might have been dead. The only person who cared about me more than himself would have died because my husband was a traitor. No! No!

I moved my hand away from his touch and saw his head rising. He looked at me so purely as if he was so innocent. He looked as if a wounded puppy but he didn't know that I had seen his true colors. I had seen everyone's true colors last night. The truth behind each and everyone's face was right in front of me. Now it was my choice to make whom to trust.

"I'm sorry," I murmured to him caressing his unwounded cheek. Those bruises were from the man who saved Demyan. If it wasn't for him Demyan would have died at the hands of my husband.

For now, I was not going to let anyone know anything. I needed to ask someone something and the only person who could help me out with this was Valencia.

She was the demon and if I wanted to save my loved one I myself had to go into the demon's lair and meet the demon even if there was a risk of me being hurt or killed. I would rather trust her than trust my snake of a husband.

Writer's NoteDo you think Valencia would shake hands with Natalie? Would Natalie come out of Valencia's room alive? Would it beneficial to anyone of them? What was going to happen next? Stay tuned for more.

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