Chapter 40

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I looked at the face in front of me as I cleaned it with a washcloth. It was her. I felt her skin under my fingers and I couldn't believe that I could touch her once again.

The doctor had left with a sample of her blood and I had been hovering over him as he checked her. There was no denying that she was abused and malnourished. Bruises marred every inch of her skin. She had suffered through a horror of a lifetime. I didn't know what traumatic experiences she had gone through but I didn't want to leave at her cost now even though I had bigger things of concern.

One of them was who I had buried, was here. We had run a DNA test over her body to confirm and she was her. Someone had a lot of explaining to do but I didn't want to leave her until I could see the green that had driven me crazy with everything inside of me.

I turned my head around to look at the entrance of the room, as I heard the sound of the door opening only to see Zach entering. I had four guards outside her room to make sure that we were safe, so she was safe and calm.

"How is she doing?" he asked as he stood behind me his eyes set on her face that I was cleaning.

"She is breathing but she hasn't woken up yet," I told him as I cleaned her chin. She was no comparison to the woman I had seen. Gone was the body that I had worshipped instead of it there was marked skin. She will have to see a female doctor later on to assess the damage done to her private parts. I didn't want to do that when she was unconscious. I had no idea how many times she was violated like that. My hands closed into fists thinking just that someone had touched her like that or touched the part so sacred of her.

I felt like bashing someone's head. My heart craved the blood of those who abused her. It wanted to rip apart the head and arms of the person, bathe in blood and hang their insides out for the world to see the punishment for touching my woman.

My woman. I wanted to laugh at my own words. My fiancé was not so far away from me, we were going to be married today, and minutes before finding Valencia I was kissing her, devouring her and now I was here calling another woman to be mine.

"She will wake up soon," he told me taking a step back from me. "Our men after the car reported finding the driver and a woman inside the car dead. A blast was triggered in the car. We hadn't received any message from anyone till yet." As I had suspected he wasn't leaving any traces behind.

"And have you got any details about him?" I let the cloth drop in the pot of water on the side table.

"No, wherever he is either he is keeping a low profile or is under a different name." He told me what I already know. I bet he was behind the incident that had occurred three years back. He was behind her kidnapping and staging her death.

I knew his intention was nothing but to gain the throne that was meant to be mine from the birthright. If I get my hands on him I would have him choking on his blood. It was what he deserved and every man who had touched her beside me.

"I have our men checking every place we could where we could to find out his whereabouts and accomplices. However, I won't lie but it is becoming harder and harder with each ticking clock." I raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Looks like he had made too many friends, even with the people we are friends with. They are tight-lipped about his men and him. I think we should have kept an eye on him rather than having him off the hook like that." I agreed with him on that. We had always thought that he was a small fish in the pond but now as we realized, he is the biggest fish in the pound because he has killed all the big ones.

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