Chapter 39

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Two hours earlier....

"Are you ready for this?" Cillian asked me as I stood in the room wearing the dirty shabby clothes he had brought for me.

Viktor had already gone away to attend a meeting and I had made Karl leave with him. I didn't want any one of them to be here as I left. It would have been difficult then.

"Have been for long," I replied as I wore an overcoat over the dirty clothes with a pair of big sunglasses. I still had to exit the hotel that we were staying in.

I looked at Cillian dressed perfectly with a cigarette in his mouth. He was the best-kept secret that no one knew and I don't think even he did. Some things are to be kept in the dark until they needed to bring out to breathe the air.

"We should get going. I have the guys ready with a car." He informed turning around giving me a moment. Slipping the ring out of my fingers I left them in the locker of the cupboard for Viktor to take care of. After all, this is over, we might go on to the islands to fucking enjoy ourselves but I wasn't counting on it. My best-laid plans had failed a lot of times.

Walking out of the room, Cillian and I walked together out of the room. It was already six in the evening as we got in the car to take me to the designated place. It was nothing but a ground not too far away from Demyan's estate.

The pain meds had started to wear out and it was already hurting already.

"Do you have the drug?" I asked as Cillian drove the car. He pointed towards the dashboard and let me see the vial with the syringe. I was going to be drugged and unconscious.

"Don't worry I have everything set, Valencia. I have more experience than you do." He reminded me as his eyes were set on the road. "I have been with Ivan since a young boy so I know everything. My bosses can change but my knowledge and experience won't," he added. I just rather look forward than saying anything.

Cillian was the worst enemy that one could ask for. A soldier raised to kill and kill only. Never had he ever objected to anything. Viktor had persuaded him to his side from Ivan's and I could never know-how. I knew that Viktor had some hold over him or something that only he could give him.

I had searched for years only to come up empty-handed.

"Remember you have two weeks at most," his words broke the silence in the car pulling me away from your thoughts.

"They are going to be enough for me. Demyan and I already have history." I was sure that it was our history that was the saving grace that he won't kill me almost immediately. Three years was the lost time in which he would have changed but what would have changed though. His hatred for me or his desire to kill me.

He was never going to get my child. I had made sure of that and it was for her sake I did all this. I didn't want her to suffer the same fate as me.

"But you have to make sure he doesn't doubt your intentions and while you are it, don't catch feelings for him again." I rolled my eyes at his words as he smiled at me giving me a wink. It was true that I was going to seduce the man and get in his bed but it was all so I could break them all apart. I wanted to break the empire he had been so proud of and done everything to gain for. Besides he had the blueprint for futuristic armed weapons which could make anyone billionaires in minutes. I was going to grab all I could while I turned people against each other.

I was excited to turn up alive after being dead. Natalia too had to pay for all she did to me.

Everyone had to pay for all they did to me and when the time comes so will everyone.

"We are approaching the vehicle," an hour had almost passed but I didn't even notice. Cillian picked his gun while I removed my coat and glasses. It was not going to be just a pick and drop we still had an hour to go and the final touches were still left.

We looked at the man and woman ahead of us. They were the ones who were going to drop me in front of Demyan's estate sadly their breaths were numbered. I nodded to Cillian as we looked at each other for the last time as we got out of the car.

"Both of you remember what you have to do," they nodded to him at his words. Just like Viktor, Cillian had won respect in this world.

"Get me the rope and bag," I ordered the woman making her walk to the car to get the things. She handed the things to me and I inspected the rope.

"Here," I threw them at Cillian to catch. "Let's get this show on the road," I told him with a smile over my face and a wink. Turning around I waited for him to tie me up.

"Don't hold a grudge on me after this." He breathed out as he tied my hand with the rope. My shoulders stiffened under his touch. I could feel the fight mode in me activate.

"Relax," he told as he tightened the rope. "Remember why we doing all this," he added. I let myself relax.

"Make sure to take care of Karl." He was the only person I was worried about because he knew about my daughter and was the weakest link in our group.

"I will," he knotted the rope tightly and I felt it digging deep in my wrist. It hurt but that was a small price to pay. Everything was a small price to pay for my future and my child's.

"Do you want to feel the pain or not?" He asked as his hands rested on my arms after tying me up. "I would like it better if you had it would make my work easier. Just don't want to fall from the good books of the boss."

"Get it," I breathed out. This was going to be one shit of beating I was going to get. I turned to see Cillian getting the drug from the car. Breaking the bottle of the vial he filled it in the syringe before injecting it in me.

"It's going to take a minute to hit. Let's put the bag over your head." He told me as he stared into my eyes. I saw him for the last time as he put the cloth bag over my head tying the string around my neck.

"Take care of yourself," I heard him say and I just rolled my eyes. I couldn't say anything back as the first blow hit me on the head.

Cillian punched me right me in the face.

That fucker! I moaned in pain as the drug started to act up. I was feeling numb and my mind was going cloudy.

Punch after punch came in. I could no longer feel the pain but I feel the blood trickle from my mouth. We had to do this so Demyan wouldn't get doubtful of me. Someone was kicking me but I just rolled over to protect myself.

I was losing consciousness as they beat me up. I couldn't guess how much time had passed could have been a minute or an hour everything felt the same.

"Stop it," I heard Cillian's distant voice and no more hits came. If I would have been conscious, I would have given him the nasty reply that was that all he got. It would have surely riled the others too not so much.

The cloth over my head was removed and I saw a blurry face of Cillian. He got closer to my ear and whispered in my ear. I was on the edge of losing into darkness but his words were clear to me.

"Remember what Ivan told you," I heard his words.

"Trust no one but yourself," he let on the last words as I lost myself into the darkness.

This shit was going to hurt like hell.


Let the games begin!

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