Chapter 50

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I walked away from Natalie with a devilish smile on my lips. If she was intelligent enough then she would keep her mouth shut for sure. How long she was going to do that was the case?

I was sure once the whole shock wore off she would run to Demyan or her pity husband.

I looked at the chaos all around me. People were running all around and screaming. The gunshots heard from some corners of the house I had no interest in them. There were more pressing matters that I had to look upon. One of them was Viktor. His changing the plan or making them without my knowledge put me on edge and there was that look in his eyes.

I have fucked that man for the last two years but I felt as if I didn't know that man ever. Maybe that was the case. There was still an untouched side to that man that I had yet to see and I didn't want to end up hurting because of that.

Walking up the stairs I saw people fighting and running. The smoke bomb doing their work as people fought. I had no care about anything right now. Leaning against the pillar I saw Demyan fighting some men. I had no intention of going down there and helping him. It would be like giving myself away.

I looked at their faces and knew straightforward they were Viktor's men. They would not kill him but hurting him would be their intention. Only I had the right to kill Demyan. Viktor had agreed to do that breaking that would be like putting an end to our marriage and understanding and he knew that very well.

Moving away from the pillar I went to my room. The guards were still dead and the floor was deserted. Moving to one of the farthest rooms on the floor I ripped the dress off me. I ripped the puff sleep and took out the bottles of poison which might come in handy in the future. Ripping the dress into shreds I threw it out of the window.

I hated the dress. Just the thought that I was wearing something similar to Sophia ticked me off. I wanted to rip her apart just as I did with the dress.

Walking back to my room only in my lingerie with my body having spots of blood covering me I was a sight to be seen but there was no one to watch me.

"I thought I would find you here," I heard the words as soon as I entered the room. I was anticipating him to be here. Wouldn't he be a bad husband if he just walked out of here without greeting me?

"And I thought I wasn't going to see you for a while until the end of this week more precisely," I replied as he looked at me from head to toe.

"Whom did you kill?" The tone was normal but I could see the danger in his eyes. There was anger in those eyes.

"You will know in time," I had no desire to give my husband a straightforward answer for now.

There was a lot on my plate and with what all had happened today I had a lot to think about. I could say that in the span of the last few hours everything had changed for me. There was a lot to look into.

"I don't have time," he moved towards me and I could see in his steps that my actions ticked him off but his actions ticked me off on a greater scale too. "So I'm going to ask again whom did you kill," he walked into my personal space with his knuckles caressing my cheek. It wasn't a show of love at all. It was of pure dominance showing off who was the boss or who wore the pants in this relationship. I could smell a different scent on him.

"You ruined my plans and I ruined yours," I rasped out with a smile over my face There was only this much I could take from him right now.

"Valencia," he seethed out grabbing my arm.

"I killed Elijah," I smiled as I said that. "There was so much anger in me from seeing that man that I had to kill him for sure," I saw the emotions turn in his eyes and I felt our dynamics changing in right that moment. Anger was bright in those eyes and his grasp on me.

"He was important," he seethed out with this hand crushing my arm.

"He was a threat to my child," I replied back as I pushed myself against his chest. He was forgetting that I was no longer the naïve woman that I had once been.

"Your child is safe," his reply came out soft but the crushing grip on my arm didn't loosen.

"He was going to die either way just like others are," I pushed back over his words. "Don't tell me you are having a change of heart right now." My other hand came up to his throat. The blade touched his neck from the edge. He didn't see it coming but the anger in his eyes overshadowed the shock.

"Don't forget that my enemies are your enemies and yours are mine," I pushed the knife with a little pressure watching as beads of blood appeared around the knife.

"After all they were our marriage vows," I rasped out with a smile over my lips. His grip on my arm loosened but the anger was still present. "Or did you forget my dearest husband," I asked moving the knife from his neck and using it to caress his face. Not even a blink of fear in those eyes as they looked at me but he wasn't letting go of the anger.

"Leave for now if you don't want to ruin the plans which you already have done," I snapped at him as I stepped away from him. He didn't wait for a second before he was moving out of the room.

"For every move, you make without consulting me there would be a consequence, Viktor," I warned him with his hand on the door. He halted for a second and then left banging my door shut.

I took a deep breath in as I looked up at the ceiling. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on all that was happening. All that had happened to me. All that was happening. All the lies and truths. Everything that had been told me ever and what I have learned.

I started solving the puzzle that was right in front of my eyes and everything depended on it. I took another deep breath and felt a piece fit in my vivid imagination.

The scent of the perfume still lingered in the room. The scent of perfume which surely wasn't mine but I had only smelt it after coming here. The scent that very cleverly shadowed my husband's cologne.

My eyes opened and I looked at the closed door.

We can't see what is lurking in the dark always but sometimes if looked close enough you can see it as clearly as if seeing it in the bright daylight.

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