Chapter 1

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Reaching the gates of my childhood home situated in the valley of the mountains. I couldn't feel  anything much more than anger and my desire for revenge. I couldn't really bring out the happiness of my childhood back anymore, I couldn't think about happiness and my family at the same time. They took it away from me and tainted it. I hated the idea of my family being my enemy but with time  I could see them as the people who kicked me out of my house because some other bitches filled their ears with the nuisance. Family stuck together but they never did. Well for that they will have to pay. 

I breathed in the fresh air getting out of the car. My heels clanking as I moved towards the house. This was just walls and roof now, it wasn't a home anymore to me. It was a mansion of stones were the enemy lived and I was going to live among them. The thought brought a smile to my lips. As I stood there admiring the stones of my enemies I saw an elderly lady approaching towards me with a smile on her face. It was a face that I could never forget. She was the woman who made my life a lot easier. She was appointed as my nanny but as I look over the past I realise she was as if my mother. She loved me more than my own blood. I remember her weeping the day when they made the decision of getting me out of the house. She reassured me that I would be fine, life won't be so cruel to me and god was always watching over me. She was there for me always. Even when no one cared enough for me she cared. She had tried to contact me, her son had been able to get a hold of me. On the persual and wish of his mother he made it to New York and looked for me until he could find me. That day I cried to learn the reality of what love and care really was, she showed me that. She was my archer when I was drowning in sorrow. 

"Valencia, is that you my dear." she called while making her way towards me.

"Yes it is me, Nana,"  She saw me as her daughter she could never have. She was a widow with two growing sons when she became my nanny. She always said that raising the boys was a rather hectic job because they never listened and were always coming back home dirtier and wounded. I confided with her my biggest secrets and biggest sorrows. 

"Oh, my dear I can't believe this is you. So grown up, tall and mature." She said cradling my face. Her eyes shone brightly with love. For a year I have talked her on the phone and nothing else which too was limited want to know why. Well, the bitches and my so-called biological mother had burdened her with piles of wark after work ever since they get a gist of that she talked to me. She could have left the job but she stayed because she never gave up. Quitting for her was accepting defeat. She waited for the day so that someone would fire her. She was old but she had a fire in her.

"Your hairs, at last, you had cut them, my dear." She noticed. "I hated those long hair of yours made you look weak and timid." They did for sure. When I snapped myself to reality my long hairs were the first thing I got rid of and it gave me strength. It made me feel in control of my ownself.

"I hope you are here to stay my dear." She asked. "You know you can stay with me if you want. It might be small but you won't have to face your family. I know you haven't talked about them and I know it must be hard.." 

"They are no family of mine Nana. They had died the day when they disowned me. Don't worry about where I would be stay, I shall be in my old room. At last, now I understand the will of my grandfather I have nothing to worry about." She looked at me with wide eyes. 

"You will be staying with them?" She asked concerned. "They are not here for now but they will be back by evening."

"Nana, they can't do a shit to me." 

"Language,  " She chided me .

"Forgive me Nana but as I was saying I know my rights now they can't harm me anyway. However, I have come back to raise hell over here. The bitches do need to pay." I was so going to enjoy my stay here.

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