Chapter 5

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Beware Violence ahead


"Don't you fucking say a word anymore?" My brother sneered in her direction. I could see the shock in Hilda's eyes. Poor poor Hilda, she shouldn't have said that. I pitied her, well that was a lie, a poor one too. His heavy foot made his noise as he moved towards a wide-eyed Hilda with Claire beside her. Claire stepped back as Karl reached them. Wise decision.

"I will ask you one time and only once. I want a correct answer." Karl's voice boomed in the empty hall. Hilda quivered and gulped in air. I enjoyed her fear.

"Why did you do it?" His voice bare of emotions.

"I...I was," she stuttered in fear. "It ..was .."

"I asked for a fucking answer," he shouted at her face.

"Because a child would have ruined my life then," She shouted and before she could say anything else, Karl backhanded her. The intensity of that slap action was enough to have her kiss the floor. She looked at Karl with teary eyes, her hand reached for her bruised cheek. It was evident through her eyes that she couldn't believe what was happening. She looked at her husband in disbelief but that was where she was wrong. The man in front of her wasn't her husband, Karl but a devil, a monster.

"Karl," Dad shouted but Karl didn't hear his words. Alexandro tried to rush to her sister but Karl stopped him in between.

"If you rush to her Alex you I would consider you to be a sinner too, for me you will be the same as her!" Alex looked at him and then his sister and then he his steps retreated back. Hilda's fear grew with every step my brother took towards her.

"You were wrong Hilda," he said crouching down in front of her.

"You life wasn't ruined then but it would be now," He said grabbing her hairs. Would it make a sadist if I said that I didn't pity her?

"It was my child, my flesh, and blood, my heir but you killed it just like that. It would have ruined your life then Hilda but it ruined my dreams and my dreams are more important than you, your life and this marriage." He jerked her head away.

"Karl stop with this madness" my mother yelled but her words didn't reach his ears.

"You took one decision Hilda but now I will take the rest of the decisions of your life, Hilda," he said caressing her cheek and as he reached to the jaw he choked her. Hilda's eyes would have popped out, I swear. The grip over throat was enough to fear her, it wasn't strong but threatening.

"Every breath you will take would be because I will allow you too. You are no more my wife Hilda, you will be everything I want you to be but not my wife, not my other half. You lost that right." He snarled at her. My parents shouted for Karl to step back but he couldn't hear a thing. He was lost in his anger, the anguish taking over him. Blood didn't run in his veins but agony and anger did. Hilda's finger clawed at his hand over her throat but it wasn't of any use. He was hurting and she was too but it didn't matter to me. He pushed her away and without a second glance stepped away from her. Hilda's eyes followed his steps to the stairs beside me and then they met mine. I stared back and anger rose in her eyes.

"You! You did all this!" She raged out while sitting on the floor. "You did all this to destroy me and Karl. You couldn't see happiness in this house, so you did this! Destroyed my happiness and his! You want to hurt me, Karl then you should hurt her too, she is the main reason that everything turns to shit!!" She screamed. Karl's steps halted in the middle his eyes snapping to mine. They weren't calm, a storm brewing in them. Our eyes clashed, he didn't back down and anger in them rose but I didn't care. I caressed my right shoulder and arm till to my hand, in a way that looked to others that if I was feeling cold. Hilda shouted profanities from behind but I didn't pay any heed to them but to my brother's shocked eyes. Recognization set in them. The anger turned to guilt, remorse and regret. No more did his eyes looked in mine but over my arm. I had been a victim of his anger and temper even when I wasn't at fault. His head hung low, left with no courage to look at me. He could never again look me in the eyes, never hurt me or touch me. Moisture glistened in my eyes. Closing them I controlled myself. He had laid his bed of pain and misery and he was meant to live in it. I had won this battle. Opening my eyes I looked at everyone, a sobbing Hilda, a crying Claire, ashamed Karl, lost Alexandro, and my upset parents. They were nothing to me. Without another look, I turned towards the stairs and flew into my room.

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