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The direct and indirect lead on to each other in turn. It is like moving in a circle - you never come to an end. Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?

The Art of War
Sun Tzu

There were flowers everywhere.

Really, it seemed like every possible part of the bed and breakfast sported a floral arrangement of some kind. Orange roses stood tall in matching vases on the front desk, their color striking thanks to the early afternoon sun. The heads of peach and pink dahlias floated in shallow water bowls by a cozy seating nook, creating a serene and peaceful aura. And baskets upon baskets of vivid sunflowers occupied the area by the staircase, a scattering of fallen petals discarded over the wooden floor.

The display was truly stunning, painting the bed and breakfast's entrance in vibrant colors and filling the space with sweet-smelling aromas. And yet . . .

Jungkook had three separate sneezing attacks by the time he and Taehyung reached the front desk.

"Are you allergic to flowers?" Taehyung asked as he leaned over one of the arrangements, softly inhaling to take in the roses' fresh scent. A smile played at his lips and his eyes fluttered closed; he was clearly delighted by the rich and slightly fruity fragrance.

Judging by the incessant tickling in his nose and the sudden itchiness of his skin, Jungkook had a very strong feeling that he was allergic to flowers. At least in this insane quantity. But he remained quiet as he watched the scene unfold before him, as he took in his beautiful angel quite literally stopping to smell the roses.

If that wasn't symbolism at its finest, then Jungkook didn't know what the hell was.

Over the past few months - hell, over the past few years - neither Jungkook nor Taehyung had had the opportunity to appreciate the little things in life. They never had the freedom to pause, to reassess where they were and then decide who they wanted to be. All they had known for so long was lying low, hiding away from the world, and running when the threat of danger became too real. They had never possessed the time to stop and smell the roses.

Until now.

Now, they could finally slow down. Now, they could enjoy the present moment and relax. Now, they could savor the beauty around them without constantly looking over their shoulders.

And that was all because they were safe.

Because they were at peace.

Because they were home.

Fuck, that revelation nearly stole the air from Jungkook's lungs. After going years - four, five, or maybe six years - without a true home, he finally had one once more. And the reason for that? Jungkook found a person who laughed without restriction and cried without shame. He found someone who loved him unconditionally, who found beauty in his flaws and wounds and scars. He found a heart that voluntarily opened at the seams so it could merge as one with his own heart; he found a soul that loudly and unabashedly called out for his own soul.

Jungkook found an angel by the name of Kim Taehyung.

And that angel became the epitome of his warmth and his light, the place where Jungkook was both sheltered and liberated all at once. Taehyung became the place where Jungkook finally felt comfortable in his own skin, the place where he loved and was loved in return.

Taehyung became Jungkook's home.

That innate, subconscious part of Jungkook probably knew Taehyung was his home for several weeks now. Each time the two were together, a glowing, almost liquid sense of security flowed through Jungkook's veins until he was content and at ease. He felt whole in a way he had never before experienced; he felt complete. And that sort of awareness made everything that was once impossible seem perfectly possible, so long as he had his love by his side.

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