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Therefore the good fighter will be terrible in his onset, and prompt in his decision.

The Art of War
Sun Tzu

"Fuck, sweetheart. Keep doing that . . . It feels so good."

A smirk tugged at the corners of Jungkook's mouth as he worked his fingers deeper. "Yeah, you like that, Tae? It's not too rough?"

Taehyung - who sat in between Jungkook's legs, back against his chest - let out a pleasured moan as his head fell backward. "I can handle rough, Kookie."

Encouraged by that sentiment, Jungkook curled his fingers in just the right way, earning a muted whimper. But he wasn't satisfied with the soft sound; he wanted to hear more of the gorgeous noises he knew the elder could make. So with a playful pout set over his mouth, he lightly dragged his nails and flicked his wrists until a string of moans met his ears.

And to think he was only washing Taehyung's hair.

The two had been in the tub for about fifteen minutes, relaxing as the hot water worked to soothe their tired bodies. Jungkook let the elder attend to him first, humming gratefully as the results of their intimacy were cleansed from his body. After his hair had been properly soaped and rinsed out, he reversed their spots, nestling Taehyung between his legs as he started on his hair.

As soon as he started massaging shampoo into the boy's scalp, Jungkook learned just how sensitive his head was to touch. If he scratched along the base of Taehyung's neck, there was a soft sigh. If he dug his knuckles into the spot behind his ears, there was a gentle moan. And if he slightly pulled on the wet strands, his angel sung out the most heavenly praises.

Taehyung was so vocal and responsive that Jungkook questioned whether this was hair washing or foreplay.

Either way, Jungkook loved every second of it. And as he continued to lather soap into the elder's thick locks, his mind turned to something quite profound.


Before today - before Taehyung - sex had never been anything besides, well, sex to Jungkook. All the years he slept around, he only saw the act as the temporary merging of bodies; it was a fleeting release, a momentary distraction, and nothing more.

It was purely physical.

But what he and Taehyung just experienced was so much more than just physical or sexual. It was the opening of minds; the chance to reveal the words only uttered in the safety of one's thoughts. It was the sharing of bodies; the constant desire to give and not caring one bit about the take. It was the colliding of hearts; that raw offering of one's love for another. And it was the fusing of souls; the creation of an invisible bond that would forever link Jungkook to Taehyung.

All of that needed a stronger word than just sex.

Because behind every single kiss, behind each sweeping touch and soft caress, there was meaning. Behind the pushes and pulls of the other's body, there was intent. Behind the tender words and the raw honesty of their eyes, there was love.


There was so much love because Jungkook was openly, intensely, and involuntarily falling in love with Kim Taehyung.

And while he had suspected falling for the elder would be an easy thing to do, he never expected the force of it all to hit him like a freight train. It felt like he was standing one moment, completely unassuming, and the next he was on the ground, heart out of his chest and secured in Taehyung's hands.

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