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All is fair in love and war.

Sun Tzu

Taehyung's biggest mistake of the morning was underestimating his attraction to Jeon Jungkook. And because of that error - because he couldn't focus on anything but the younger's bare, sculpted legs - he was about to lose a game that required every single ounce of his concentration.


Fuck. How was Taehyung supposed to focus when he had an almost naked Jungkook sitting just out of reach, biting on his lower lip as he lazily traced over a chess piece with a finger? Was focusing even possible?

No, and Taehyung had no one to blame for this distraction but himself.

Following the boys' post-coital shower, Jungkook suggested that they play a round or two of chess. Both had learned the game from Namjoon, and they wanted to put their skills - and competitive natures - head to head. To make things a little more interesting, the younger declared that the winner could request anything he wanted of the loser, as long as it was within reason. Taehyung wholeheartedly agreed under one condition: only minimal clothing was allowed.

He thought the whole no clothing idea was a strategical move aimed to outmanuever his opponent. By wearing nothing but his underwear, Taehyung assumed Jungkook would be too distracted by his body to properly focus on the game. And if that was the case, he could pull out an easy win and endlessly tease the younger about his superior chess abilities. 

It was a dirty play that backfired completely. 

In his eagerness to secure a premature win, Taehyung failed to consider his own obsession with Jungkook and his body. He failed to remember how the slightest flexing of the younger's muscles could reduce him to a puddle of drool, or how the absentminded widening of legs could make heat pool in his stomach. He failed to recall that he was nothing but a horny and lovesick man around his sweetheart.

So that's how they ended up on the floor of his mother's sitting room, lounging in nothing but briefs. And with the rich reds and glowing oranges of the faux LED sunrise painting everything in a radiant brilliance, Taehyung couldn't keep his eyes off Jungkook.

Fuck, he was going to lose this game.

And to reiterate that thought, Jungkook slid his queen in the direct path of Taehyung's king. "Check."

A disgruntled sigh pushed out of Taehyung's mouth as he studied the chessboard. He needed to make a defensive play, otherwise his loss would occur sooner than expected. Though with few pieces left to work with and a further weakening resolve, there wasn't much else he could do. However, as Namjoon taught him years before, miraculous plays were often the result of the most challenging circumstances. All one needed was a bit of determination and a heavy dose of concentration to turn around a game.

"You better think carefully, Taehyungie," Jungkook warned as he smoothed a hand over his muscular thigh. "One wrong move and it's all over."

Taehyung's eyes immediately followed the movement, the chessboard temporarily forgotten as he lustfully watched the scene before him. His gaze lifted higher and higher, finding a faint path of hickeys decorating the exposed skin. Though he knew there were deeper, more intense marks hidden just underneath the younger's tight briefs, and he had the blinding desire to see them and leave more. 

As Jungkook's finger dared to dip underneath the fabric, Taehyung shook his head and forcefully looked back down at the board. "Quit distracting me."

A chuckle rumbled in the younger's throat, fully aware of the diversion he created. "I'm just sitting here, angel. It's not my fault you're captivated by my mere presence."

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