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Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.

The Art of War
Sun Tzu

Jungkook expected a high-speed chase, but he got Driving Miss Daisy instead.

After being threatened by people with knives and guns - people who were clearly out to hurt them - Jungkook wanted to put as much space between them and the house as possible. He recalled all the action movies he'd ever seen and how the getaway drivers were the ones responsible for hightailing it away from conflict. So as soon as he navigated them out of the residential neighborhood, Jungkook had stepped on the gas and went flying down the road. Taehyung put an end to that almost immediately, citing they were far enough away and could slow down.

And now, even though Jungkook had decreased his speed considerably, the bodyguard was still overly cautious.

"You're going too fast," Taehyung muttered as they rounded a corner a little too quickly. "If we get pulled over for something as stupid as speeding, I'm not going to be happy. And I promise you, Jungkook, you want to remain on my good side."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was on your good side now," Jungkook countered, giving in to the urge to roll his eyes. "You don't seem to like me very much."

"You're more trouble than you're worth," the elder retorted, sifting through his backpack for god knows what.

Jungkook physically had to bite his tongue. The guy did save him, so he should be given some semblance of respect. Though Taehyung made it incredibly difficult to respect him while sporting that giant stick up his ass.

Look at Jungkook. He was currently grieving after experiencing one of the worst weeks of his life. Yet he wasn't chewing people out, right? No! He was agreeable and charming and quite easy to work with. He hadn't complained once, even though he had no interest in being on the run from potential murderers.

But now he was somehow stuck with an uptight bodyguard who seemed reluctant to help him in the first place. 

That prompted a question.

"How many times have you been a bodyguard for someone?" Jungkook asked in genuine interest, thinking it was an important fact to know.

Taehyung paused his search through his bag to look over at Jungkook. "Zero. This is my first time."

"Oh, great," Jungkook couldn't help saying. "So, I'm your guinea pig."

"I've been trained by the best of the best. You'll be fine," Taehyung responded stiffly, sounding like he wanted to strangle him.


Jungkook felt jittery as he continued down the road, the adrenaline from before slowly seeping away. It had come in handy when his body went into fight-or-flight mode, giving him the energy to react to the stressful situation back at the house. He took deep breaths, grounding himself and remembering that he made it out alive. He was alive.

For now.

Reluctantly, he understood that his life was now in Taehyung's hands. Jungkook had limited knowledge of how to protect himself from unknown assailants with hidden motives, so he was unfortunately tied to this bodyguard. Especially since the intruders saw his face and probably guessed he was the heir to Korean National Oil.

Again, he remembered how big of a failure he was. Namjoon's number one rule was always to keep a low profile, not to let anyone see him.

But with Namjoon gone, what did it matter anyway?

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