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Plan for what is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.

The Art of War
Sun Tzu

After three hours of interviewing - answering behavioral and situational questions, shooting targets, doing an endurance test, and then waiting as a background check was run - Taehyung received an offer to join the personal security team of Korean National Oil Corp.

"So, do you accept?" Yoongi asked him, crossing one leg over the other as he leaned back in his chair.

Taehyung honestly wasn't sure what the hell he was going to do. After hours of going over his qualifications and putting his skills to the test, he knew he could do the job. That fact alone gave him a lot of pride. But to actually accept the role and put himself in the line of danger . . .

Was that stupid?

Yeah. But even still, he wanted to accept. To finally have power and authority to make his own judgment calls, rather than obey what his superiors instructed him to do . . .

Taehyung had never known a freedom like that before.

"You've interviewed me," Taehyung started, assuming a similar position as the Chief of Security, "but now I get to interview you. Before I accept, there's some fundamental information I need to know."

Yoongi regarded him for a moment, face devoid of emotion as he considered Taehyung's proposition. There was a harshness behind the older male's features that warned of promised severity if he was crossed in any way. It was a look most likely earned from years working in a field where just one slip up could mean certain death for another. 

"Fine," the Chief gave in after a moment. "What questions do you have?"

"First, the people who attacked your CEO's family. Who are they and what do they want?" Taehyung asked tactfully, thinking that was an important place to start.

A long, low sigh sounded from Yoongi, a sign of defeat not yet previously displayed. "We don't know. Prior to the strike, no one was aware of any active threats. We always had our eyes and ears open, but there had been no indication of anything coming. We were all caught off guard."

Taehyung suspected as much. All the news reports he watched were muddled with confusion and had contradicting ideas as to what actually happened. Some media outlets suspected a competing firm, hoping to scare the CEO into disbanding his massive corporation. Others guessed it was just a fluke accident, a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In short, the whole thing was a mess.

A soft hum was Taehyung's only acknowledgment of that answer before he continued on. "Who was involved in the attack from the family's side? Did it take place here in Seoul?"

"Just the wife and son. The two of them were living far outside the city with their personal security detail. The three of them hadn't been to Seoul for years," the older male informed him, looking stressed and tired as he recalled the events. "We had them placed in what we thought was a secure home, far away from the public eye."

Taehyung hummed once more to himself, letting those details sink in. "So what's the plan now? Are the CEO and his son going to remain in Seoul? Is there going to be more than one security detail for the family?"

"We already have a security team in place for our company's leader, and after some debate, he's moved into a separate residence. You'd just be watching over his son, who we're keeping in the current family home until a more secure apartment is obtained. And like I said earlier, our new security protocols mean that you'll be going everywhere that young man goes. I'd expect you to have your eyes on him at all times." 

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