Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 1

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THIS IS MY STORY THAT IS ON QUIZILLA...YOU MAY KNOW ME AS Sk8rGrlLove13 please do not copyright or anything!

Your on Somers

"Five, five, five six seven eight" i yelled. The music blasted from the speakers and my feet worked rythmicaly threw the dance studio. The song was My First Kiss by Ke$ha. The rhythem moved as my sneakers stomped on the wooden floor.

Teaching dance was so much fun. At Jeferson High, we had no cheerleading teams. We had dance squads and our school gave good scholarships for it. Only about 1 out of 10 that audition would get a spot. We were known for our hip hop and ballet(i know)dances. I was ever so lucky to get a spot after the accident last year. I fell off a roof, helping my dad with handy work around the house. I broke my ankle and was most lucky to even walk again becuase of how bad it was broken. My ankle was swollen now because i had been dancing since noon and it is now almost 3. Sweat pored down my face as i did a back flip during the song.

The song ended as i did a front flip off the stage. Luckily i didnt loose my balance. I was a 15 year old girl who was the youngest dance teacher,well assistent, since my mom. My mom died in the September 11th trajedy when i was 5. I dont remeber her much but it gets hard looking at her picture hanging in the schools athletic cabnet that showed all the trophies.

I ran up on stage and turned off the sterio.

"everyone take a break" i said. The dancers grabbed there bags and sat down, sweat poring from there faces. We had the best dance crew since 1978 and we had won the Dance Championship nationals three years running.

Five minutes later, i put the sterio back on and turned it to Love Like Woah by The Ready Set. We had a set of three songs thus far in the competion that we were doing. Besides these two, we were gonna do Baby by Justin Bieber. He was my hollywood crush and i had seen him in concert twice. ANYWAY! The music bursts threw the speakers and we dance the day away.

Dance ended at four and everyone packed up there stuff. I grabbed my gym bag with my name personaly enstiched in it and walked out the door. I kicked a stone as i walked and made it to my car. I loved having a permit. I opened the doors of my canary yellow porshe and got in. My dad was a plastic surgon so you could say we were rich. I tuned the radio on and DJ Got Us Fallin In Love by Usher came on. I sang the words to the song and pulled in my driveway.

My fathers car was parked in the garaje. Weird, hes never home this early. I grabbed the door knob of the ceder pine door leading into the house and pushed on it.

My father was sitting in the living room, watching television. He was reading the paper. I walked in, gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat down.

"how was your day sweet heart?" my dad asked.

"Good. Practise was brutle."i said.

"What do you want for dinner?" he asked, with a smile in his face.

"hmmm, why dint we have spagetti?'' i said. I got up out of the chair and walked to the kictchen. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I answered it. It was a text from Samantha, my dance partner.

Omg Sarah broke her leg playing hockey with her brother ;(

OMFG this could not be happeneing. One of my best dancers couldnt dance and the competion was in a week. How am i ever gonna find a replacment?

I put the noodles in the water to boil. I noticed my dad had set the table for 4 people. There was only me and him living in the house. I walked to the living room to see him watching the discovery health channel.

"why are there 4 seats at the table?" i said

"oh were having company. The somers are coming over."he said

"as in chaz somers, my friend from 5 years ago who i havent talked to since???''i said

I havent talked to chaz since i moved away from New York City. Its been a long time. I grabbed my soccer ball from the closet and went outside, trying to think about what to do about meeting chaz again. I kicked the ball at my soccer net and it was with full force. A car pulled in the driveway and i peeked my head from the fence. A boy got out of the car along with a cute boy around 16. Crap dont tell me thats chaz. He got so HOT!

I walked into the house again,getting the strainer out of the cubbard at the same time.I strained the noodles, only to relieze that i still had on my dance clothes. I ranup the staircase and to my room, dropping off my gym bag at the same time. I grabbed a cute aero shirt and a pair of jeans that make my butt looke cute and straitend my hair. I put my bangs in a clip na dwent downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table as i walked down. I took my seat nexxt to my father and noticed chaz staring at me.

"Im sure you remember Charlie dont you chaz?" his mother said.

"yeah i do" he said and gave me a wink.

I blushed and took a bit out of my pasta. We made conversation throughout dinner and i decided that i wanted to play some soccer. Chaz followed my outside and to the backyard.

" I bet you i could beet you in soccer"he said with a grin

"I had been playing soccer for 10 years. I bet i could beet you"

"bring it somers"i said

I got in goal and he shot on me. I saved every single shot he put on me. I was on fire. He looked at me dumbfonded and we kept playing. We took off our shoes and walked inside, to see my DAD and Chazs MOM kissing.

"ewww get a room" we both said in sync. I sat on the chair in the dining room while the parents said goodnight to eachother. I gave chaz my number(not like that) and he gave me his. I walked them out the door and watched them drive off.

Thats when i relized somthing very important....HE WAS BEST FRIENDS WITH JUSTIN FRICKEN BIEBER!!!!!

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now