Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 9

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I grabbed Justins hand and we walked down the path to the street. It was about 9:00 and we were at the park for almost 6 hours. Time can fly when you sit there with someone who understands you. I intertwined our fingers and swayed or hands as we walked. Justin grabbed my arm and made me face him. I turned to look at him. He flicked hair out of his eyes with his hair flip thing. I smiled and he pushed my hair out of my face like in the movies and put his arms on my waist. Where we having a moment?

He pulled his lips to mine and i couldve sworn world war three couldve broken out and i would have not even noticed. I got pushed against a tree and Justin put his hand on the side of me. I put my arms on his neck, and he never broke the kiss. It may not have been the most romantic thing, considering i was up against a tree convered in moss but it worked. I shivered as we broke the kiss. He pulled his jacket off his shoulders and gave it to me. It smelled like him. He grabbed my shoulders and we walked home.

We apporached my house and of course, he walked me to the door. I stood underneath the door and of course i got a kiss goodbye. It was so magical though. I grabbed the doorknob but just as i was about to go in, the door opened and out walked Chaz,in a bathrobe, rollers in his hair(wig) and glasses. Oh shit this was gonna be interesting.

"where have you been young lady. It is ten o'clock at night and i have not gotten one phone call and your father have been worried sick. Explain yourself." he said, rolling his head at the same time

"and you mister," grabbing his ear at the same time" will never touch my daughter ever again. and i thought you were responsible..." chaz yelled.

I burst out laughing and me and justin walked into the living room. I put my dnace bag on the foot of the stairs and grabbed a seat in the reclyner, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. Chaz came by and knocked my feet off the table.

"young man i just cleaned so you better get your big smelly ass feet off the coffee table." he said.

"my feet arent big MOM!"i said, exajurating the Mom part more then neccisary

Chaz took off the wig and sat down next to me, kicking his feet up on the table. Figures. Justin got up and came to sit next to me and i got up nad sat on his lap becuase i was too lazy to find another couch. Justin started rubbing my back and I layed my head back. Chaz cleared his throat and I stood off of Justin. I went to sit By myself on another couch. I rested my head on my pillow.

Justin got a text from his mom worrying. He decided to call his mom and put it on speaker by accident and we heard his mom yelling like a little Not So Christian Like Girl. He ran into the other room. I laughed silently to myself.

"so girlfriend i want deets" chaz said, running over sitting criss cross applesauce.

"alright ill tell you if you stop acting like that" i said, punching him playfully in the arm."okay so after i ran away from the dance competion, i walked to a park. I started thinking about how that if i didnt dance, what would i have. then justin came along to find me and wekissedandwearegoingoutnow!-"i said but was cut off

"wait wait wait, stop, rewind,then play. what was that last part?"

"that i was thinking about the dance thing?" i said

"no hoe, the part about the you going out with the superstar hottie of 2010!'' he said. Okay even though chaz was a guy, he knows girls

"yeah im going out with him"i said. OMG i am going out with Justin bieber. The hottest thing since Brad pitt.

"okay just make suree your carful. i mean with all the haters and such i dont want you to get hurt." chaz said, obviously back to the brotherly self he was so good at.

Justin walked back into the room at that exact moment. He looked like he just seen a ghost.

"oh wittle justy got yewlled at y his mommy?' chaz said, making kissy faces at justin. Justin grabbed a pillow so fast, i barley wouldve saw him. He shot it at chazs face and he fell backwords. I literaly fell on the ground laughing.

"why are you laughing so much" justin asked, tryinng to pick me up off the ground.

"she laughs when shes tired" chaz said, grabbing the remote off the televison. Chaz was staying over while our parents were out of town.

Justin scooped me off the ground and brought me up the marble staircase. I hooked my arms around his neck and he carried me to bed. I got up nad went to my wooden drawer and got out my cute shorts and a tank top. I went to the bathroom and put my hair into a high ponytail and a headband and cleaned my face with Proactive. I towel dryed it and walked out to my room. I climbed into bed and Justin layed next to me. It wasnt sexual or anything just laying there with me. He wrapped his around my waist and i fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning thinking it was all a dream. I thought that there was no way in hell that Justin Bieber asked me out or that Chaz would wear a wig. I stretched out and stood out of bed, only to see a note on my dresser


if your reading this, i was hoping i would be back before you awaken but i had to get home before my mom flipped her lid. i will be back at 10am and be ready in somthing for the beach.

Love Justin <3

I smiled and put the note on my dresser and made my bed.I walked downstairs to see Chaz asleep in the guest room, xbox controler in hand. I went to the kictchen and got myself a bowl of captain crunch. i drank the milk and ran upstairs to make my bed and clean up. after i was done, i went to take a shower

I got in and shaved and shampooed my hair and all that shit. I brushed my teeth and got dressed into a bikini and shorts with a baggy shirt. I put my hair into a high ponytail and curled the end. I put on water proof makeup and went downstairs, grabbing my sunglasses off the counter. it was 9:45 and i decided to watch tv. I watched AM mtv and saw the video for Love Like Woah by the Ready Set and got up and started dancing.

I got done dancing and to my embarresment. heard clapping by justin and chaz, video recording. I was being serious when i was dancing.

"this is so going on youtube!" chaz said, running to the computar before i could object. Justin came and wrapped his arms around my wiast and kissed my full on the lips

"i missed you baby. and might i say, you look hot" he said to me

He kissed my neck and broke away, before he could say anything. I went to the kictchen to grab my phone.

"Alright are we going or what?" i said, walking out to the car.

The beach was about an hour away and we stopped in a private beach.It was just me and Justin. How romantic. I stepped out of the car and there was a blancket and chairs and everything set up. This was going to be the best date ever!

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now