Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 17

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The entire club turned to look at us. If you have ever seen Step Up, it was like the big dance seen. David had gone around to people in the club to help him try to beat us. I had Chaz so there was a huge possibility for us to win. Let me explain somthing. I had auditions for the dance group a two years ago. David was one who auditoned and was one of the cutest guys ever. He had those cute blue eyes and blonde hair and that gorgeous smile. I had fallen for him like every other girl. I was in love with the guy.

One night, when I was hanging out with him, he was being really aggresive and crap and I told him to stop hurting me and he punched me. That is why I have a scar over my eye. Because when he hit me, his ring on his finger cut my eyebrow. I ran away all the way to my house and he went to jail for assult. I havnt seen him since. That is why I want to beat him, to show him that even though he brought me down, I have risen back up. Justin has made me the happiest person alive. Justin has asked me about my scar and I told him that I fell. I dont want him to kill David. I am not a person to tattle about the past.

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Everyone gathered around the dance floor as me and chaz and justin and josh all went to the dance floor. The girls didnt want to dance. They knew that the guys and me had it in the bag. I pushed my bangs to the side as I prepared for the music to start. I was too jitterey to stand still.

"wait wait wait we aint about to do this dance off in this measly ol' club. Lets take it to the streets" said david, sneering.

"bring it bitch!"i said and ran outside. It was pouring rain. Know, I know what your thinking, this is such a copy from the movie Step Up 2 and thats exactly how I want you to imagine it. Heres the link

I ran into the pouring rain into a circle. I began doing my thing, sorta freestyle like the routine in the freestyle portion of the dance competion. I grabbed Chazs hand and did a flip, hearing applause from all the members in the audiance. My adrenaline was pumping so fast. We could win this. Justin and Josh did back flips and I did a front flip over them. I was so happy. The song ended and then goes David. David did the exact same routine from our previous competion. I sneered. David went to go for a front flip but slipped in the rain and fell down with a thonk.

The music stopped and David cryed out in pain. He gripped his arm in pain. I walked over to him and wispered in his ear "doesnt feel good to be beat by a girl does it?" and smiled. "well I couldve won if it werent for you guys and the celebrity who sings baby!"he said, gripping his arm.Chaz ran over to him and slapped his broken and and David cryied out in pain. I laughed to myself and ran over to see Dillon and Sandy. Dillon ran over and kissed chaz on the lips. Awww I guess there a thing now and Josh went and put his arms around Sandys waist. Now it was my turn. I looked at Justin who was standing there and put my arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly on the lips. Victory was so sweet.\

The limo pulled up to the side of the club and we climbed in. I grabbed Justins hand and we all sat in the middle. I grabbed an empty soda bottle and we all decided to play truth or dare. I had a feeling of dejavu. I grabbed the bottle and spun it around and it landed on Chaz. Chaz bluched, obviously knowing that I had dirt on him. "chaz, truth or dare?" i asked, grabbing a handful of chips from the bag.

"okay. dare." he said, letting out a sigh. Hmm this could be interesting. I grabbed a swig of sparkeling cider and let out a laugh. "what are you thinking charlie?" he said, looking nervous.

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now