Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 32

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Authors note: PLEASE READ!

Okay everyone probably hates me. I am really really really sorry. I feel like a horrible author. To be honest, the truth of the matter was, that I wasnt into the story anymore. I felt as though it was going no where and I didnt give anyone an explanation as to why I stopped writing. I am back though. I know everyones excuse as to why you dont write is because 'I was busy' or 'i was stressed' i was both those things and I was bored with my story. Yes i am continuing it. I feel bad, and i am really sorry. I definatly will not wait 8 months before I upload, ever again.And to top all of that off, my laptop was broken, and i had no access for a computer in months and the only way i would be on Twitter or Tumblr etc is through my ipod which sucked. I am sorry. <3 love you guys - Mickenzie

Charlies pov

Justin didn't try taking another step towards me and I was releaved. Why was I scared of him? Because he beat the shit out of a guy and the look he had on his face was scarier then a monster at a haunted house. I guess it's cause I have never really seen him angry...I've seen him a little pissed but I end up kissing and making it better. That stupid asshole David or whatever his real name is had to ruin everything. I don't know how to change the way I am feeling. I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my heart. I shouldnt be feeling his!

Justin just looked at me with the saddest look I have ever seen a guy give someone. I looked at him as I pushed him away, with a scared look on my face. He stepped back and walked out. He was just in jail and any other normal girlfriend would have ran up to her boys arms and kissed him, but of course his gift when he gets out of jail is me crying and not being able to be in his arms. Awesome.

Justin was out of the hospital door before I could even start crying. I'm surprised that I even have tears left. This is like some bad soap opera.

I looked at Chaz and he gave me a sad smile and took my hand in a brotherly way and we walked out of the police station. Dad was already in the car. I saw justins range rover in the parking lot but as we approached the car my dad was in, I saw it sped off towards the main road. We climbed in the car and headed toward the hotel.

Justins pov

I cannot take this. My heart broke with every breath she took as she looked at me. Why did I have to become this-this monster that she is afraid of.

I drove as fast as I could back to the hotel. My phone rang and I picked it up, probably not the safest thing I could do.

"HELLO?" I said in a frustrated tone.

"Justin calm the hell down, you will be okay!" Ryan yelled into the other line.

"No I wont. Why does shit like this always happen to me?!" I yelled back

"I dont know man, but Sandy and Dillon wont stop crying. You need to try to talk to her" Ryan said almost in a whisper.

I counted to ten before i said anything. Ryan didnt deserve to be yelled at. It wasnt the best idea at the moment. He wasnt the one who tried to---tried to rape Charlie. I loved her so much and to see that asshole trying to do that to my Babygirl, it pisses me off, I will kill him. Ryan said a goodbye before hanging up and leaving me to my own thoughts. Sandy and Dillon were in Ryan and Chazs hotel room and I was in mine and Charlies room. I walked over to the TV and turned it on, giving me something to take my mind off of everything.

But that was my own mistake. Across the TV screen was a picture of me and Charlie, and a caption saying 'JBs girl raped?'

I couldnt breathe. I couldnt think. I couldnt move. All I could do was stare at the TV screen like a ghost had just floated by. My nails dug into my palms and i was white knuckling. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Charlies POV

Chaz had held me the whole time as we drove to the hotel. I didnt want to face Justin. I was afraid he was gonna hate me or be disgusted with me  I cant face this. Before I could realize what was happening, I was crying silently as we walked up to the hotel doors. I wanted to go home. This whole thing was my fault. If i had just stayed inside the buliding and not went outside, none of this shit wouldve happened and Justin wouldnt be angry and upset with me. I walked into the gold elevators and rode my way up to the hotel floor. I kept my eyes on the maroon carpet as we finally made it to the room. I knocked on the door and came face to face with a pissed off Justin.

He looked a mess. His hair was sticking up, looking like he has been running his fingers through it. He looked like he had been crying and his mouth was in a tight line. When i saw him i gasped. As soon as he realized who it was, his mouth dropped and he pulled me into his arms. I was frozen, he contined to hold me and kiss my hair. I finally started to hug him back. My dad gave us space and me and Justin walked into the room. He looked at me like I wasnt real.

"baby, I love you." he said taking my hand in his. I looked shocked. He still loved me after all the crap I put him through?

"say something. Please say it back" he pleaded. I looked up at his face and put my hand on his cheek, his busted cheek.

"You still love me?" I said almost in a whisper. Justin looked a little taken back. "Still love you? Charlie I never stopped loving you. Baby what made you think I stopped?" he said in a sad voice.

I walked over to the bed and sat down and brought my legs to my chest. "I thought you hated me after this happened. Its all my fault you got hurt" Justin came and sat down. "baby dont you Ever EVER think what that bastard did was your fault. Baby, he is screwed up. He is menatlly ill. It isnt your fault. Its that fuckers fault. I love you with all my heart, baby, you are my everything." I started to tear up a little.

"Baby, can i kiss you?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Yes" i said and he did.

His lips touched mine slowely but with so much passion. He carresed my cheek and i wrapped my arms around his neck.  Justin knew that after everything happened to take things slow. I was so grateful for that. After a few moments, we pulled back, foreheads touching, and just looked at eachother. Justin held my hand in his and without saying a word, undid the covers of the bed. He walked over to me and took off my shoes and my sweatshirt and gave me his nightshirt from the night before and pulled me into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my hair.

"I love you, dont ever forget that"

"I love you too Justin. Forever." and I did mean that, but is it bad that im still afraid?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2012 ⏰

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