Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story* 19

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Thunder crashed against the wondows as nightfall began(wow that was deep..almost poetic...back to the story lol) I was in the kitchen preparing and atempting a meal for the first time we got to Vegas. I was sick of eating takeout and I was in the mood for somthing healthy. I needed to get my mind off of the Josh thing and my dad with Chazs mom, but it doesnt help much when Sandy is crying her green gorgeous eyes out and when my dad keeps calling me every twenty minutes. My dad could kiss my ass. I was done with being lied to. I strated forming the hamburgers and turkey burgers for Dillon. She wasnt a vegitarian and neither was I but I loved a good turkey burger every now and then. Justin came strolling in like the big hot shot he was and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"you look hot in that appron" he said wispering in my ear.

"thanks." i said, looking him up and down.He let go of my waist and we watched as Sady came into the kitchen, sneezing and her eyes red and puffy from the tears. I felt so bad for her. Sandy had known Josh all her life though. There parents were great friends and they were really flirty with eachother and stuff like that.

Sandy and a Josh were nothing wihtout eachother and when sandy was 14, she fell and when I say she fell, she fell HARD. He was who she would daydream about and she liked him for him not the actor side. The normal lovable side was the side that hurt her the most.

"hey sweetie" i said, putting my arms around her shoulders. She looked at me and put her arms around me and she cried. I couldnt believe this. My best friend hurt like this was killing me. I couldnt stand it.

I walked Sandy to her room and put her to bed. She needed to sleep for a little while. Chaz and Dillon were on the couch sleeping. Damn, why is everyone so fricken tired. I turned to justin and handed him a plate of cut potatoes and had him make baked potatoe fries. I grabbed a knife and began cutting up letuce for the salad.

"OWWWW" i screamed.

"whats wrong" justin and chaz and dillon said at the same time.

"I cut my finger"i said, looking at the blood on my appron. I had my finger wrapped in it and could feel the stinging effect of the cut. Justin grabbed my finger and put it under the cold water.

"holy shit that hurts!"i yelled. I had a very high tolarance of pain when it came to some things but this hurt so bad. Dillon hated the site of blood and even the smell. Sadny came out of her room, looking at me funny and gasped when she saw the blood on my appron.

"we need to take her to the hospital" chaz said, looking at the deep cut. "it will probably need stiches."

Justin grabbed his car keys and we went inside his range rover and were off to the hospital. I grabbed a acebandage out of the medicine cabinet before we left and applied pressure to it. Dillon was breathing through her mouth and not looking anywhere near me and i didnt take it offencively.

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, after speeding and honking our way throguh vegas traffic. Justin raced to the counter and told them I needed to be seen immediatly. Since he was a celebrity, he was of course seen right away by a nurse to take me to a room, but i felt guilty. I couldnt believe it was still bleeding. The nurse carefully removed the bandage and a doctor came in and looked at my finger. In the end, I needed ten stiches in my finger. Ten fricken stiches. Oh and did i mention that I am terrified of needles, they scare the living shit out of me. I never really understood why but the look at needles make me sick.

We walked to the front of the hospital to check out when Justin ran over to a boy with black supras and skinny jeans. When i realized who it was I ran over and gave him the biggest hug of my life. (note, i cant remeber who ryan was dating in the beggining of the story because my power in my town went out and i dont ahve internet and i am writing this on office word and i dont wanna have to update again later so im gonna call his girlfriend from the begging of the story Sarah..sorry if thats confussing.)

Dont Leave Me Out Here Dancing Alone *Justin Bieber Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now